
  • 网络logical thinking;logic thinking;think logically
  1. 从财务会计走向知识会计:一个简单的逻辑思考

    From Financial Accounting to Knowledge Accounting : A simple Logical Thinking

  2. 比较重视逻辑思考、分析和准确性。

    With its focus on logical thinking , analysis , and accuracy .

  3. 相关能力逻辑思考,沟通谈判协商,规划分析能力。

    Logical reasoning , communication and negotiation , planning and analysis .

  4. 地图概念及其基本特性的逻辑思考

    The Logic Thinking on the Concept of Map and Its Basic Characters

  5. 培养学生的设计逻辑思考能力与表达能力。

    The design logic that trains a student considers ability and expression ability .

  6. 推定作案条件之逻辑思考

    A Logical Thought on Inferring Conditions of Committing Crimes

  7. 他们总是感情用事,不会用逻辑思考问题。

    They do not think logically , but emotionally .

  8. 能够看见真理的能力,超越逻辑思考也超越心理精神上的能力。

    The ability to see the truth goes beyond logic and mental capacities .

  9. 关于航海定义的逻辑思考

    The Logical Thought About the Definition of Navigation

  10. 你们希腊人用毫无根据的逻辑思考自尊。

    You Greeks take pride in your logic .

  11. 服务行政合法性的逻辑思考&现代政府的新理念

    Logic thought of the validity of administration service

  12. 这是需要运用逻辑思考和理性判断的能力。

    the ability to think logically or theoretically .

  13. 民法学中若干法律概念的逻辑思考

    The Logic Thinking of Civil Law Conceptions

  14. 对公共卫生投入的逻辑思考

    Logic Thinking of Public Health Input

  15. 有时候凭直觉行事而不是凭逻辑思考能够解决疑难问题。

    Sometimes difficult problems can be solved by acting intuitively rather than thinking logically about it .

  16. 对不擅长逻辑思考的人来说,编写电脑程式是项令人厌倦的工作。

    Compiling computer program is an irksome task to one who is not apt at logical thinking .

  17. 这些技巧可能是体能上或智力上的技巧,例如玩较费脑力的益智游戏就可以培养逻辑思考的能力。

    These skills may be physical or intellectual , such as the logical thinking developed by more mentally challenging games .

  18. 一个科学家就是一个好的观察者,准确、耐心和客观,同时对他观察到的资料(事实)做不断的逻辑思考。

    A scientist is a good observer , accurate , patient and objective and applies persistent and logical thought to .

  19. 他是个好的观察家—精准,耐心,客观,对所做观察总赋予逻辑思考。

    He is a good observer , accurate , patient and objective and applies logical thought to the observations he makes .

  20. 求病机还是看形似&对辨证和辨症,病、症和证及证候标识的逻辑思考

    For Pathogenesis or Similarities of Disease Manifestation & Logical Thinking on Syndrome Differentiation , Disease Differentiation , Symptoms , Syndromes and Syndrome Identification

  21. 由这个测试验证过的失败模式通常对程序员来说是个彻底的震憾,因为任何按逻辑思考的人都不会想到这种失败。

    The failure modes identified by such testing usually come as a complete shock to programmers because no logical person would ever conceive of them .

  22. 社会对独立思考和逻辑思考的提倡将调动学生对研究和探索真理的兴趣,而不仅仅是专注于考试。

    Since the community the advocating for individual thinking and logical thinking could arouse student 's interests in researching and discovering the truth rather than focusing on tests only .

  23. 对网络信息的过度依赖导致了跳跃性的逻辑思考和浮浅的分析能力逻辑。南京大学外国语学院院长朱刚表示。

    The overdependence on the Internet for information leads to skipping logic and superficial analysis , said Zhu Gang , dean of the School of Foreign Studies at Nanjing University .

  24. 而许多基督教的重要神学基础,例如三位一体的概念,也都需要透过教会和经籍的传播才能得知,而不能只透过逻辑思考获得。

    The major theological components of Christianity , such as the Trinity and the Incarnation , are revealed in the teachings of the Church and the Scriptures and may not otherwise be deduced .

  25. 最近的神经科学研究表明,我们所认为的“理性”行为,是诸多脑功能处于平衡状态的结果,其中包括情绪、逻辑思考和记忆。

    Recent neuroscientific research has shown that what we consider to be " rational " behaviour is the outcome of a balance among several brain functions , including emotion , logical deliberation and memory .

  26. 如果要在会议上汇报近况,进行逻辑思考,那么早晨开会是最合适的,因为这个时候人们大脑的敏锐度和工作热情都是最高的。快下班时则非常适合开头脑风暴会议。

    Morning is best for things like status updates and logical thinking , when sharpness and enthusiasm are at their height , while closer to the end of the day is a really good time for brainstorming .

  27. 生活德育作为一个新概念,能否为教育理论所认同,生活德育的开展何以可能,这需要我们做五方面的逻辑思考:生活是否需要道德?

    As for moral education in life as a new concept , whether it can be accepted by educational theory and whether it can be carried out necessitate our logical reflection in five respects : Does life need morality ?

  28. 中国传统哲学的逻辑结构思考

    The Logical Meditation on Chinese Traditional Philosophy

  29. 从中药行政监管的逻辑起点思考,讨论参与型行政、行政监管伦理追求。

    The participatory administration and administrative supervision ethical pursuit were discussed from TCM administrative supervision aspect .

  30. 对关联理论中逻辑的思考

    Reflections on the Relevance Logic