
ài qínɡ xiǎo shuō
  • romance;romance novel;love story
  1. 自1967年开始写爱情小说起,她已经出了50多本书了。

    Since taking up writing romance in 1967 she has brought out over fifty books .

  2. 比起爱情小说,他更喜欢历史小说。

    He prefers historical fiction to romance novels .

  3. 她以一年五部的速度胡乱拼凑低劣的爱情小说。

    She grinds out romantic novels at the rate of five a year .

  4. 他个头高大、皮肤黝黑、相貌堂堂,像通俗爱情小说的男主角。

    He was tall , dark and handsome , like a Mills and Boon hero .

  5. 我阅读爱情小说以逃避现实。

    I read love stories as an escape from reality .

  6. 她迷上了爱情小说。

    She 's become addicted to love stories .

  7. CIA攻读萨达姆爱情小说

    CIA Studies Saddam 's Favorite Love Story

  8. 禾林出版社(Harlequin)的爱情小说专区总是库存充足的。

    The Harlequin romance section is always well stocked .

  9. 谷歌一直在训练该公司的人工智能程序创作爱情小说和新闻报道,希望它能更有创造力。而一个名叫本杰明(Benjamin)的人工智能机器人也可以撰写短篇科幻电影剧本——即便有的内容完全说不通。

    Google has been training its AI on romantic novels and news articles in an attempt to help it write more creatively , and an AI bot called Benjamin can write short sci-fi film scripts - even if they don 't entirely make sense .

  10. 浪漫派爱情小说是时代的产物。

    The romantic love fiction is the outcome of the times .

  11. 这年头那些吸血鬼啊,都被柔和的爱情小说给劫持了。

    Those vamps got hijacked by a lot of soft-focus romance .

  12. 不去渴望你,就像那些垃圾爱情小说中写的。

    That longing you only read about in trashy romance novels .

  13. 无名氏爱情小说传播与接受的文化语境

    Cultural Background of the Spreading and Acceptance of Anonymous Love Stories

  14. 人性升华:中国现代浪漫派爱情小说

    Contemporary Chinese Romantic Love Fictions : Distillation of Human Nature

  15. 她写了一部爱情小说。

    She wrote a novel on the subject of love .

  16. 他正在写一部爱情小说的续编

    He is working on the continuation of a love story

  17. 她长年不变地读愚蠢的爱情小说。

    She is an inveterate reader of silly love stories .

  18. 在人们眼中,它只不过是一本爱情小说或一部畅销书而已。

    It is just a romantic love story and a best seller .

  19. 池莉爱情小说中情感的价值取向

    On Emotional Value Orientation in Chili 's Love Novel

  20. 一个专注于爱和调情特别是写爱情小说的人。

    One dedicated to love and lovemaking especially one who writes about love .

  21. 我想利兹的主要问题是爱情小说看得太多了。

    I think liz 's main problem is an overdose of romantic fiction .

  22. 我现在在(图书馆)的爱情小说区。

    I 'm in the romance section right now .

  23. 理想主义者的人生求索历程&评张洁的三篇爱情小说

    Life Journey of an Idealist & On ZHANG Jie 's Three Love Stories

  24. 徐讦爱情小说的宗教情愫

    On Religious Affection in Xu Jie 's Love Stories

  25. 《太阳照样升起》是一部爱情小说。

    The Sun Also Rises is a love story .

  26. 来看看十部永恒的爱情小说吧。

    Check out the ten best timeless love stories .

  27. 她不喜欢那种竟把一些书列为轻松爱情小说类的图书馆。

    She disapproved of a library that actually classified books under light romance .

  28. 自由中的固守新奇中的归真&从爱情小说看网络文学的特点

    Conservation in Freedom Innocence in Novelty & Characteristics of Network Literature in Love Novels

  29. 她读爱情小说解闷。

    She reads love stories as an escape .

  30. 通篇缠绵伤感的爱情小说。

    A love story full of cloying sentiment .