
  • 网络Light Of Love
  1. 我所爱的光之存有们,这个月提供了惊人的启发机会。

    My Beloved Ones of Light , this month offers breathtaking inspirational opportunities .

  2. 圣灵啊,求祢打开我们心灵的眼睛,好叫我们在耶稣的降临中看到我们伟大的救恩,因衪是显明祢对世人大爱的光。

    Holy Spirit , open the eyes of our hearts to see our great salvation in the coming of Jesus , the light of your love for all peoples .

  3. 具有讽刺意味的是,真正的和平开始于愿意为我们人性中各种复杂面负起责任,而最终我们会将着和平带入到爱的光中。

    Ironically , though , true peace begins with a willingness to take responsibility for our humanity so that we might ultimately transform it in the light of our love .

  4. 在浪漫的海上教堂里,让你面朝大海的美景,说出彼此心中那份最真挚的爱的誓言,光是想象就已让你陶醉不已了吧。

    Imagine making the promise of love to your loved one in a romantic church by the sea , what an intoxicating experience !

  5. 在冬至这个时刻,请大家将焦点集中于这个神圣的时间点之上,当宁静与冥想,将以向内与向外的巨大爱的波动,聚集光的力量。

    At this time of the winter solstice , please focus on the sacred time when quietness and meditation will gather the forces of light in great inward and outward waves of love .