
  • 网络the city
  1. 水灾过后这城市变成一片废墟。

    The city , after the flood , lay in ruins .

  2. 我爱这城市中两个世界的碰撞。

    I like it in the city when two worlds collide .

  3. 这城市的交通糟透了。

    The traffic in the city was chaotic .

  4. 这城市的出生率几乎是不变的。

    The birth rate in this city is almost constant .

  5. 这城市交通有问题。

    A : The city has got a traffic problem .

  6. 这城市中有许多美丽的公园和现代化建筑。

    The city was set with handsome parks and buildings of modern construction .

  7. 她知道这城市永不会终结。

    To show the city that she knew it would never be finished .

  8. 离开这城市几十年了,一切都变了。

    You leave town for a couple of decades , and they change everything .

  9. 这城市把我卷进来。

    This city took me in .

  10. 市政委员会管理这城市。

    The council controls the city .

  11. 所以,我逃避着这城市中的每条街,每个人,每张脸!

    So , I was running away with the city in every street , every person , each face !

  12. 仍然存留的矿山证明了这城市并不是只是传说而已。

    Today , the mines are the only sign that the city might once have been more than myth .

  13. 这城市的从容自信令我感动,如此稳固而完美,如此有趣而不朽,知道自己被牢牢地握在历史之掌中。

    I am inspired by the regal self-assurance of this town , so grounded and rounded , so amused and monumental , knowing that she is held securely in the palm of history .

  14. 古老的运河网将这座城市分割开来。

    The city is dissected by a network of old canals .

  15. 四周的小城镇已并入这座城市。

    The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city .

  16. 这座城市和这个州失去了一位伟大的领袖。

    The city and the Commonwealth have lost a great leader .

  17. 这座城市的美就在于它那些宏伟的建筑。

    The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings .

  18. 这些年来这座城市发生了许多变化。

    Down through the years this town has seen many changes .

  19. 新上任的市长决心要整治好这座城市。

    The new mayor is determined to clean up the city .

  20. 这座城市是新老建筑兼而有之。

    The city is a mixture of old and new buildings .

  21. 昨夜这座城市有三个区发生了战斗。

    Fighting broke out in three districts of the city last night .

  22. 这座城市附近有许多有意思的地方。

    There are many places of interest near the city .

  23. 这座城市正在美化自己的博物馆和美术馆。

    The city is sprucing up its museums and galleries .

  24. 夜间,这座城市的大街小巷笼罩着恐怖气氛。

    Fear stalks the streets of the city at night .

  25. 他初到这座城市时租房住在布朗太太的家里。

    He lodged with Mrs Brown when he arrived in the city .

  26. 大教堂是这座城市至高无上的骄傲。

    The cathedral is the crowning glory of the city .

  27. 这座城市绚丽多彩地展现在我们下方。

    The city was spread out beneath us in all its glory .

  28. 我花了一天时间拍摄这座城市的照片。

    I spent the day taking photographs of the city .

  29. 这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的联接也很发达。

    The town is well served with buses and major road links .

  30. 这座城市被称为美国最令人厌恶的地方。

    The city has been called the armpit of America .