
  1. 这些年来我们过得很开心。

    We 've had a lot of fun over the years .

  2. 这部电影恰如其分地捕捉到了两次世界大战中间这些年的氛围。

    The movie captures the mood of the interwar years perfectly .

  3. 这些年来这座城市发生了许多变化。

    Down through the years this town has seen many changes .

  4. 这些年来我们合作搞了许多项目。

    We have collaborated on many projects over the years .

  5. 这些年来她对跳舞的热情一直不减。

    Her passion for dancing never dimmed over the years .

  6. 这些年来她没有多大变化。

    She has not changed much over the years .

  7. 他们的投资这些年来已经增值。

    Their investments have appreciated over the years .

  8. 这些年来她积累了大量教学资料。

    She 's built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years .

  9. 这些年来我们花了许多钱做房屋装修。

    We 've forked out a small fortune on home improvements over the years .

  10. 他生病的这些年来,我妈妈一直照料着他。

    All the years he was sick my mother had nursed him

  11. 这些年他们卖出了大量的唱片。

    Over the years they have sold records by the bucketful .

  12. 我发现自己这些年来从未像现在这样开心过。

    I found myself having more fun than I had had in years

  13. 这些年来我对苏珊的感情发生了变化。

    My feelings towards Susan have changed over the years .

  14. 如你所见,这些年我的口味有点改变。

    My taste has changed a bit over the years as you can see

  15. 这些年以来,他一直跟他的朋友杰西·杰克逊为政治手腕的问题争论不休。

    Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse Jackson over political tactics

  16. 这些年来他的前额已经有点秃了。

    His hairline had receded slightly over the years .

  17. 这些年来,罗伯特逐渐收藏了一批版画和绘画作品。

    Robert 's collection of prints and paintings has been bought over the years

  18. 这些年来,我得出的结论是她是一位非常伟大的音乐家。

    Over the years I 've come to the conclusion that she 's a very great musician

  19. 我估计,这些年来,我当老师的收入要比富特先生的收入低不少。

    I would judge that my earnings as a teacher have , over the years , been considerably below those of Mr Foot .

  20. 从他们这些年的所作所为看来,他们的确是口蜜腹剑的“朋友”。

    Judging from what they have done these years , they are indeed “ friends ” with an honey tongue and a heart of gall .

  21. 这些年对外贸易得到了发展。

    The overseas trades have been developing these years .

  22. 她泣诉了这些年来所受的苦。

    She tearfully recounted the suffering she 'd undergone in the past few years .

  23. 这些年的利润减少了。

    Profits over the years grew down .

  24. 这些年来,各民族的人逐渐与这座城市的居民相融合。

    People of many different nationalities have , over the years , been absorbed into the population of the city .

  25. 该部门这些年来取得的成就都归功于阿曼达领导有方&她的能力令人望尘莫及。

    The Department owes a lot to Amanda fox her years of leadership & she 's a hard act to follow .

  26. 这些年来,他沿着边境走了大约20万公里。

    These years , he has walked about 200,000 kilometers along the border .

  27. 这些年来他接二连三地倒霉

    He has been assailed by bad breaks all these years .

  28. 这些年来人们的环境意识增强了。

    Environmental awareness has increased over the years .

  29. 这些年来他变得成熟了。

    She 's mellowed over the years .

  30. 这些年来,用于农业生产的柴油产量增加了四倍。

    Eg : The output oil for farm use has been increased by a factor of five times these years . Decrease / fall ... by a factor of N times