
  • 网络News Feed;headline;news headlines;news summary
  1. 我是克劳迪娅·波利,下面是新闻提要。

    I 'm Claudia Polley with the news headlines .

  2. 新闻提要每到半小时正时作一次广播。我打开收音机听8点钟的新闻提要。

    The news headlines are broadcast on the half hour . I turned on the radio to get the eight o'clock headlines .

  3. 今天报纸的新闻提要全是有关战争的。

    The headlines of today 's newspaper are full of news of the war .

  4. RSS新闻提要是一种伟大的方式,让您站点的访问者可以跟随添加到站点的最新内容。

    RSS newsfeeds are a great way to keep your site visitors updated with the latest content added to your site .

  5. 对于数据库解决方案,可能希望给每个新闻提要分配一个惟一的ID,并用这个ID进行选择,但是原理是相同的。

    For a database solution you might want to attach a unique ID to each news feed and use this for selection , but the principle remains the same .

  6. 从输出(一个HTML片段)中,很容易看到如何将这个文档重新格式化为一个新闻提要,或者将它并入到一个Ajax应用程序中!

    From the output ( an HTML snippet ), you can easily see how to reformat this into a news feed or incorporate it into an Ajax application !

  7. 但是,在选择一个编号时,现在要调用一个外部URL(在这个示例中实际上是调用同一个脚本),并指定新闻提要的编号作为参数。

    However , this time when a number is selected , you call an external URL , actually , in this case , a call back to the same script , supplying the number of the news feed as an argument .

  8. 新闻提要URL(//conf/deDE/baseurl)、如何验证用户对新闻提要类型做出的选择(//conf/deDE/newtypes)以及在用户没有做出选择的情况下哪类新闻应当为默认值。

    Newsfeed URL ( / / conf / de_DE / baseurl ), how to validate the choices the user makes for newsfeed types ( / / conf / de_DE / newtypes ), and which type of news should be the default if the user makes no choice .

  9. 首先,我们来快速看一下今天的新闻提要。

    First up today , a quick check of our headlines .

  10. 以下是今天的新闻提要。

    Here 's a wrap up of today 's news .

  11. 新闻提要在广播新闻节目中的地位浅析

    Position in Broadcasting the News Program of News Recap

  12. 先看下新闻提要。

    Let 's get to the headlines .

  13. 在这个示例中,如果读取新闻提要失败,那么会产生空的新闻列表。

    A failure to read a news feed in your example produces an empty list of news .

  14. 然后调用一个函数,输出这个新闻提要中的条目并让用户选择新闻条目。

    You then call the function that outputs the news feed specific items and lets you select them .

  15. 新闻提要:利比亚现在发生的事情从人权的角度似乎并不能解决。那里的人们现在每天都面临流血和死亡。

    What 's happening in Libya is not something likely to be fixed on human rights , humans rights are being and the human blood is being shed.And this is an example for the council to act .

  16. 新闻提要是一段新闻的简要介绍,它高度概括了整段新闻的主要内容,有效地从新闻视频中提取新闻摘要对于基于内容建立新闻视频数据库非常重要。

    News summary is the introduction of a period of news video , whose main content is included in the summary . It is very important to efficiently abstract the news summary for content-based processing of news video .

  17. 你可以准备一个“新闻稿提要”作为框架,从而快速撰写一篇完整的新闻稿。

    You can also prepare a'skeleton press release'that give you a framework for quickly producing a full release .

  18. 您将创建一个RSS到电子表格的转换器,该转换器从一个远程RSS提要检索所有新的新闻,从提要中提取新闻元数据,并放置到电子表格的行和列中。

    You 'll create an RSS-to-spreadsheet converter , which retrieves all the news stories from a remote RSS feed , extracts story metadata from the feed , and places it in spreadsheet rows and columns .

  19. 浏览来自博客或新闻Web站点的提要时,用户可以继续使用internet客户机(RSS阅读器、Web站点或门户页面)来搜索企业中的特定主题。

    While browsing feeds from blogs or news Web sites , users can continue to use their internet clients ( RSS readers , Web sites , or portal pages ) to search for specific topics in the enterprise .

  20. 应用程序允许用户看到的文章,这是一个新闻网站的RSS提要,或查看完整文章,因为它们在网络上提出的基本清理行动版本的纯文字版本。

    The app allows users to see text-only versions of articles , which are basically cleaned-up versions of a news site 's RSS feeds , or to see the full articles as they are presented on the Web .