
  • architectural design units
  1. 对建筑设计单位贯彻ISO9000(2000版)问题的探讨

    On Carrying Out ISO9000 ( 2000th Edition ) by The Construction Designing Units

  2. 建筑设计单位资料室的管理与发展

    Management and development of reference libraries in building design units

  3. 建筑设计单位工作质量评估方法研究

    Research on working quality evaluation approach of architecture designing

  4. 建筑设计单位资料室的数字化建设势在必行。

    The digital construction of reference libraries of building design units is imperative .

  5. 市场营销在建筑设计单位中的作用

    Usage of Market-Selling in Architectural Design Unit

  6. 广西建筑设计单位人均产值问题与对策研究

    Research on Problems and Countermeasures of Per Capital Production Value of Guangxi 's Architecture Design Institutions

  7. 中长期政策环境下的广西建筑设计单位应对策略

    Coping Strategies for Architecture Design Units in Guangxi based on Policies Environments in Medium and Long Term

  8. 建筑设计单位和建筑施工企业对建设单位违反前款规定提出的降低工程质量的要求,应当予以拒绝。

    Designing institutions or construction enterprises shall reject the requests from owner for lowering the quality of projects in violation of the stipulations of previous articles .

  9. 本文就我单位委托某建筑设计单位所设计的轻型钢结构厂房为基础,对厂房的门式刚架的各构件进行分析,在此基础上进行门式刚架结构优化设计。

    In this thesis , an optimization design is discussed on the basis of a portal frame structure that was entrusted to an architectural institute by our college .

  10. 不断激烈的市场竞争要求建筑设计单位以满足委托方的需求为目的改换传统设计方式,提高设计效率和设计质量。

    The more and more intense market competition requires architectural designing branches to change traditional designing methods , and promote designing efficiency and designing quality in order to fulfill the requirements of the entrusting party .

  11. 长期以来,规划、设计工作完全依靠社会上的建筑设计和园林设计单位来进行。

    Long-term since , planning , design work depends entirely on the society building design and landscape design unit to .

  12. 结合工程及毕业设计指导的实践,针对建筑行业,特别是建筑工程设计单位计算机应用的现状谈一些看法。

    In combination with writer 's engineering design practice and graduation design direction in architecture engineering specialty from the year 1988 , aiming at architecture practice and computer application in design department at present , some views are discussed .

  13. 执业注册建筑师的所承担的在建设活动中的各环节工作的实践表明:执业注册建筑师的培养不仅仅是建筑院校可以完成的任务,很多的环节要依托于建筑设计单位的继续教育。

    The registered architects ' Architectural Practice shows that the training of registered architects is not only the job of the architectural schools but also the duty of the architectural design corps .