
  1. 介绍了工程建设中加强经济签证管理的重要性,分析了其目前存在的主要问题,并从业主的角度出发,提出了加强签证管理的对策,以提高业主的投资效益。

    The following paper introduces the importance to strengthen economic vise management in engineering construction , analyzes its main existing problems , and proposes countermeasures to strengthen vise management from the angle of owners , in order to increase the investment results of owners .

  2. 一个受到担保的学生应该遵守担保人所订立的条规,不遵守条规,担保人会撤销在经济及签证方面的支持,而使学生也有被递解出境的可能。

    Also a sponsored student should abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the sponsoring agency , for failure to do so can result in the agency 's withdrawal of financial and visa sponsorship , thereby making the student possibly eligible for deportation .

  3. 美国娱乐产业等其它行业也强烈要求加快新兴经济体的签证审查速度,以弥补自2001年911事件发生后美国在国际旅行领域损失的部分市场份额。

    Other sectors , such as the US leisure industry , are also pushing for more rapid visa reviews in emerging economies , to recuperate some of the loss of marketshare in international travel that America has suffered since the attacks of September 11 2001 .

  4. 一个递交h-1b签证申请的五天窗口昨日配额告罄,企业高管们预测,尽管美国国内经济放缓,但签证供应仍将获得大量超额申请。

    A five-day window to submit H-1B visa applications ran out yesterday and company executives predict that the supply of visas will be heavily over-subscribed , in spite of the domestic economic slowdown .