
háo mài
  • heroic;bold and generous
豪迈 [háo mài]
  • [bold and generous;heroic] 气度宽广,洒脱豪放

  • 豪迈的气概

豪迈[háo mài]
  1. 草原文化以其浓郁的北方少数民族生活文化气息,体现着北方游牧民族豪迈的精神文化特质和文化理念,成为中华民族文化研究的重要领域。

    With its strong life and cultural flavour of the northern minorities , the grassland culture embodies the bold and generous character of the spirit culture and the cultural concept of China northern nomad nations , and has become an important field of Chinese national culture research .

  2. 创造流行,展示潇洒豪迈之气概

    Create fashion , show the natural , unrestrained and heroic manner

  3. 但最好的是哈尔·福斯特(1892-1982),他后来又创作了《豪迈王子》(PrinceValiant)。

    But the very best was Hal Foster ( 1892-1982 ) , who later created Prince Valiant .

  4. 豪迈最大的客户,瑞典连锁家具企业IKEA也表示了对Gauss离职的关注。

    IKEA , a Swedish furniture chain and Homag 's biggest customer , also expressed concern at Mr Gauss 's departure .

  5. 豪迈的全体职工希望AchimGauss复职,他是豪迈资深技术主管,于5月23日突然宣布“因个人原因”辞职。

    Local staff want Achim Gauss , Homag 's long-standing technical director , who resigned abruptly " for personal reasons " on May 23rd , to be reinstated .

  6. 然而,豪迈是DBAG最大的投资项目,并且豪迈在股市的表现欠佳。

    However , Homag is DBAG 's biggest investment and its shares have not performed well .

  7. 1997年,DBAG通过入股豪迈公司而拥有其60%的股份。

    After buying into the company in 1997 DBAG built up a stake of 60 % .

  8. 当2007年豪迈公司股票大涨时,DBAG持有33%的股份,同时,Schuler先生持有少量股份并担任豪迈公司的名誉主席。

    When Homag was floated on the stockmarket in 2007 it kept 33 % and Mr Schuler stayed on as honorary chairman with a small stake .

  9. 私有银行GordonSch?nellofBankhausLampe宣称豪迈管理者正在做正确的事情。但是对Schuler来说,从家族企业向股份资本企业的转变已是渐行渐远。

    Gordon Sch ? nell of Bankhaus Lampe , a private bank , says that " the managers are doing the right things . " But for Mr Schuler the shift from family firm to shareholder capitalism has gone too far .

  10. 这并没有阻止DBAG在两年前将三位Schuler的任命人踢出豪迈监事会,并重新委任了更具有全球视野的人。

    That did not stop DBAG kicking Mr Schuler 's three appointees off Homag 's supervisory board two years ago and replacing them with people who were " more internationally minded . "

  11. 豪迈公司创建者之一,现年85岁活跃的GerhardSchuler先生正在与德意志参股上市公司(DBAG)处于争斗之中。DBAG是一家私人股权公司,曾经是Schuler先生理想中的合作伙伴。

    Gerhard Schuler , one of its founders , now a sprightly 85 , is at war with Deutsche Beteiligungs AG ( DBAG ) , a private-equity firm that was once his dream partner .

  12. 对于正在寻求扩大在华业务的豪迈集团(halma)而言,中国加强医疗监管及安全标准,将推动这家安全、医疗及传感器科技集团的收入增长。

    Better policing of health and safety standards in China is set to drive revenue growth at Halma , the safety , health and sensor technology group , which is looking to expand its presence in the country .

  13. 令人高兴的是,豪迈的经营状况正在好转。

    More happily , Homag 's business is on the rebound .

  14. 典雅豪迈,至高无上,真皮沙发的特征。

    Elegant and supreme & the feature of genuine leather sofa .

  15. 我希望你有这样的豪迈情杯。

    I hope you have such a feeling of heroic .

  16. 玛曲,天苍苍野茫茫的豪迈冬季女装色彩预测

    Ma qu , Heroic Color in the Boundless Sky and Endless Weald

  17. 上海消防事业开始了激情如火的豪迈跃进。

    The Fire Services in Shanghai started great leaps with fiery passion .

  18. 我们将以豪迈的步伐跨入新的一年。

    We will stride into the new year with pride and confidence .

  19. 琼斯的性格里颇有几分豪迈。

    Jones had some heroic ingredients in his composition .

  20. 男性豪迈性格的充分体现

    The full show of a man 's heroic character

  21. 黄河水给予了黄河人豪迈的气魄,各种鼓乐活动异彩纷呈。

    The Yellow River water gives its drum playing people courage and generosity .

  22. 在海边,站在高山上,能感受到一股股豪迈的感情。

    Standing on the high mountain by the seaside , I could feel heroic .

  23. 而这些,正是具有同样豪迈性格的米芾所需要的。

    And these , with the same heroic character is vertical brushstrokes are required .

  24. 多少男生希望能和你一样英勇豪迈,你死?

    How many boys want to be like you , you die bravely heroic ?

  25. 机器的隆隆声在她耳中仿佛变作了豪迈的的乐章。

    The sounds of the machines seemed to be proud music in her ears .

  26. 最豪迈,最傲气的一句话:切反动派都是纸老虎!

    The most heroic & haughty one : all reactionaries are just paper tigers !

  27. 即使跌倒了也要豪迈的笑。

    Laugh loudly even you fall down .

  28. 从粗犷豪迈的唱腔到富有特色的歌词,无一不充满了陕北地方性色彩。

    Shaanxi folk songs-rough and bold vocals , distinctive northern lyrics-are full of local color .

  29. 北方话的语音语气能够表现出北方人的直爽豪迈。

    The intonation and tone of the northern dialect reflect the forthright character of northerners .

  30. 豪迈双端铣加工强化复合地板常见的质量问题分析

    Analysis on the Common Quality Problems of Intensive Composite Floor Processed by Double-sided Panel Sizing Machine