
  • 网络House;House M.D.;House M.D;House MD;Dr House
  1. 这次在《豪斯医生》中客串的那一集将会在十月播出。

    His House episode is slated to air in October .

  2. 《越狱》男主角温特沃斯·米勒将会客串《豪斯医生》。

    Prison Break 's Wentworth Miller has booked a guest stint on House .

  3. 这部剧由Fox的系列剧《识骨寻踪》(Bones)的编剧哈特·汉森(HartHanson)主创,但在试播集里,威尔森饰演的巴克斯托姆看上去更像豪斯医生(House),而不像《识骨寻踪》里的角色。

    The show was created by Hart Hanson , who was responsible for the Fox series " Bones , " but in the pilot Mr. Wilson 's Backstrom looks a lot more House-like than Bones-like .

  4. 《娱乐周刊》的MichaelAusiello透露,托尼奖的获得者林-曼努尔·米兰达将在《豪斯医生》第六季开头几集扮演豪斯在疯人院中的室友!

    According to Michael Ausiello at EW , Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda has been cast as House 's roommate in the loony bin for the first couple of season 6 episodes .

  5. 婚后,她搬到加利福尼亚居住,一名她称为“豪斯医生”的外科医生诊断她患有肥大细胞活化综合征(mastcellactivationsyndrome),一种由于某些细胞分泌过多化学物质而导致的免疫系统的紊乱。

    She moved to Arizona to escape what she thought were allergies . It didn 't work . She got married , and moved back to California and a doctor who she describes as her " Doctor House " diagnosed her with mast cell activation syndrome , an immune disorder where certain cells release too many chemicals .

  6. 和其他电视剧一样,豪斯医生中也有许多重复的情节。

    Like many shows , House is full of plot clich é s.

  7. 豪斯医生:这个问题很棘手。

    Dr. Hause : That 's a tricky one .

  8. 豪斯医生:我明白你的意思。

    Dr. Hause : I see what you mean .

  9. 豪斯医生:那你就放弃,直接告诉她的家人,或者…

    Dr. Hause : Then you can either drop it , tell her family , or ...

  10. 这事儿挺难想象的诶,下一季第七季的《豪斯医生》里头,总是愤世嫉俗的豪斯大叔居然会幸福快乐!

    Hard as it is to imagine , next season on House , Doc Crankypants may be gasp ! happy .

  11. 本周的豪斯医生的谜题很有趣。为什么这个黑帮成员会陷入间歇性昏迷?

    An interesting medical mystery on this week 's episode of House : why does the mobster fall into intermittent comas ?

  12. 豪斯医生:当然,我虽不是律师,但可以以医生的身份给你建议。

    Dr. Hause : Sure , I 'm not a lawyer , but I can give you my opinion as another doctor .

  13. 在接下来的五年里,哈格伯格•费舍尔求诊经历就像是美剧《豪斯医生》中的剧情一样具有戏剧性。

    Over the course of the next five years , Hagberg Fisher 's medical story started looking like an episode of the drama House .

  14. 从《口红森林》到《豪斯医生》,从《办公室》到《整容室》,到处都能看到聪明之女人在做着聪明之事情,尤其是美剧中。

    From Lipstick Jungle to House , The Office to Nip / Tuck , examples of smart women doing smart things abound , especially on US TV .

  15. 米兰达是百老汇音乐剧《高地人生》的编剧和主角,他会在金秋首播的《豪斯医生》第六季有至少两集的演出。

    Miranda , best known for writing and starring in the Broadway musical In The Heights , will appear in at least two episodes beginning with the show 's sixth season premiere this fall .

  16. 另有流言表示《豪斯医生》的选角人员正在搜罗一些“好玩”的人物来扮演精神病医院里头的病人。

    There 's also word on the street that the House casting folks are looking to cast a number of others with " interesting " looks to play patients in the Psych hospital too .

  17. 这位扮演豪斯医生的英国明星今天通过媒体宣布,自己已经和华纳娱乐签了合约发行一张新奥尔良蓝调专辑。他打算在这个夏季和秋天开始录制。

    The British House star announced today via press release that hes signed with Warner Music Entertainment to release a New Orleans blues album that he plans to spend the rest of the summer and fall recording .

  18. 豪斯:她是医生吗?

    House : Is she a doctor ?

  19. 伦敦沃特豪斯诊所的美学医生迈卡·恩格尔说,蜂蜜中所含的葡萄糖、果糖以及碳水化合物等会和蔗糖一样损害皮肤的胶原蛋白。

    Dr Mica Engel , aesthetic doctor at London 's Waterhouse Young Clinic says glucose , fructose and carbs in honey will cause collagen damage - just like sugar .

  20. 我们的“心机”男主奥布莱恩就像是科技领域的乔治•豪斯(《豪斯医生》),或者是带着警徽的马克•扎克伯格。

    O'Brien , our calculating protagonist , is a softened tech-savvy offshoot of Gregory House ( from House ) . He 's Mark Zuckerberg with a badge . His accomplices ?