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  • night manager
  1. 最佳迷你剧集/电影类导演:苏珊娜•比埃尔(SusanneBier),《夜班经理》(TheNightManager)

    Directing for a Mini-Series or Movie : Susanne Bier , " The Night Manager "

  2. 演员汤姆•希德勒斯顿(抖森)获封男性“年度最佳美臀”。他在BBC谍战剧《夜班经理》中生动演绎了幽会场景,向观众展示了他的臀部。

    Actor Tom Hiddleston has been crowned male ' Rear of the Year " after he revealed his posterior to viewers of BBC spy drama The Night Manager in a racy sex scene .

  3. 此前,他与休•劳瑞搭档,在改编自约翰•勒•卡雷小说的BBC剧集中扮演一名担任酒店夜班经理的退伍军人,并且凭借这一角色获得了艾美奖提名。

    He has been nominated for an Emmy for his role in the BBC adaptation of the John Le Carre novel , in which he starred alongside Hugh Laurie as an ex-soldier turned hotel night manager .

  4. 希德勒斯顿曾出演BBC改编的约翰·勒·卡雷的《夜班经理》。他表示,如果真能扮演邦德,那将是个“绝妙的机会”。

    Hiddleston , who is starring in the BBC adaptation of John le Carr é 's The Night Manager , said playing Bond would be an " extraordinary opportunity " if " it ever came knocking . "

  5. 8日,抖森凭借BBC电视剧《夜班经理》中的角色收获首个金球奖——迷你剧/电视电影最佳男主角,该剧改编自约翰·勒·卡雷的小说,讲述了一个参与军火走私的酒店经理的故事。

    Hiddleston won his first Golden Globe on Sunday - for best performance by an actor in a mini-series or TV movie - for his role in the BBC 's adaptation of John le Carre 's novel about a hotel manager involved in arms smuggling .

  6. 汤姆在AMC的迷你剧《夜班经理》中的扮演一名退役士兵乔纳森·派因,担任酒店经理的他受雇成为了间谍。抖森因在这部犯罪片中的精彩表现,从11位影星中脱颖而出,受邀进行这次的杂志封面拍摄。

    Tom , who plays Jonathan Pine - a soldier-turned-hotel manager-turned spy - in the AMC miniseries The Night Manager , was one of the 11 stars chosen to bare all for the magazine 's shoot thanks to his performance in the crime drama .

  7. 我和酒店的夜班经理谈过了。

    So I spoke with the night manager of the hotel .

  8. 那个夜班经理的线索断了。

    The night manager was a dead end .

  9. 我的朋友解释了事情的来龙去脉,夜班经理让他和猫头鹰进去了。

    My friend explained the situation , and the night manager let them in .

  10. 迷你剧/电视电影最佳男主角:汤姆·希德勒斯顿(《夜班经理》)

    Best Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television : Tom Hiddleston , The Night Manager

  11. 迷你剧/电视电影最佳女配角:奥利维娅·科尔曼(《夜班经理》)

    Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series , Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television : Olivia Colman , The Night Manager

  12. 迷你剧/电视电影最佳男配角:休·劳瑞(《夜班经理》)

    Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series , Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television : Hugh Laurie , The Night Manager

  13. 除了在美国的照片,霉霉还被拍到与抖森在英国的萨福克海滩漫步,同行的还有抖森的母亲。抖森曾出演英剧《夜班经理》。

    As well as the photographs in the US , Swift was pictured going for a romantic walk along a Suffolk beach with the Night Manager actor - accompanied by his mother .

  14. “他不要任何特殊待遇,”夜班经理乔尼?贝克说,他费了好大的劲才如公司最近一份备忘录所规定的那样对自己的老板以名相称。

    " He doesn 't want any special treatment ," says night manager Johnny Baker , who struggles to call the boss by his first name as a recent corporate memo commands .

  15. 伊万•麦格雷戈和娜奥米•哈里斯主演了由约翰•勒•卡雷最新改编的电影,勒•卡雷的儿子西蒙•康奈尔和史蒂芬•康奈尔担任制片人,他们也曾制作过《夜班经理》。

    Ewan McGregor and Naomie Harris star in the latest John le Carr é adaptation , produced by Simon and Stephen Cornwell , le Carr é " s sons , who also made The Night Manager .

  16. 当他穿过酒店大堂时,夜班经理发现了他和猫头鹰,惊慌的从前台跳起来,高声叫道:“客房里不准做饭!”

    As he walked across the hotel lobby , the night manager spotted him with the owl . Alarmed , the night manager jumped up from his desk and proclaimed : " No cooking in the rooms !"

  17. 该奖项给抖森美妙的一年可谓再添一笔,他先是因出演《夜班经理》而提名艾美奖,之后关于其接任詹姆斯·邦德的呼声不断,再者与泰勒·斯威夫特的恋情也引发了轰动。

    The accolade adds to Hiddleston 's fantastic year , which includes an Emmy nomination for The Night Manager , a spot among the top contenders to play the next James Bond and a whirlwind new relationship with Taylor Swift .