
  • 网络DAREDEVIL;DVD;DareDevil.Directors.Cut
  1. 神奇四侠夜魔侠无敌钢铁侠HappyHogan(钢铁侠人物)CurtConnors(蜘蛛侠人物)…

    Fantastic Four , Daredevil , Invincible Iron Man , Happy Hogan , Curt Connors ...

  2. 如果你的眼光敏锐,你会发现所有的蜘蛛侠、所有的X战警、所有的神奇四侠以及绿巨人和夜魔侠的电影中,总会有一位消瘦的白发老人。

    If you keep a keen eye , you will find a thin old man with white hair in all the Spider-man movies , all the X-Men movies , all the Fantastic Four movies , and the Hulk and Daredevil movie .

  3. 在加尔各答(Kolkata)的一个贫民窟,一群称自己为夜魔侠的学童为此做出了坚韧不拔的努力。

    In one Kolkata slum , a group of schoolchildren who call themselves the Daredevils have been relentless in this effort .

  4. 你甚至设法把夜魔侠扯进去了。

    You even managed to implicate daredevil in the process .

  5. 在四英寸的横梁上弹跳,我像个夜魔侠,变成它的一部分。

    Flipping on a4-inch beam , I like daredevil , part of it .

  6. 例如,新近的电影《艾丽卡》就是《夜魔侠》的派生作品。

    The recent film Elektra was a spin-off from the Daredevil movie , for example .

  7. 夜幕降临,和午夜骑士摆脱阴影和竞争夜魔侠比赛穿过城市。

    Night falls , andtheMidnight Riders emerge fromtheshadows and compete daredevil races through the city .

  8. 我知道夜魔侠的真相。

    I know the truth about daredevil .

  9. 就像夜魔侠用其他感官“看到”周围世界一样,他用嗅觉认识世界。

    He smells the world in the same way that Marvel 's Daredevil " sees " his surroundings .

  10. 同时毫不客气地砍掉了网飞出品的低级漫威剧:《夜魔侠》,《杰西卡·琼斯》,《卢克·凯奇》,《铁拳侠》,《惩罚者》和《捍卫者联盟》。

    shows Daredevil , Jessica Jones , Luke Cage , Iron Fist , The Punisher , and The Defenders .