
yè yīng
  • nightingale;philomel;jar-owl
夜莺 [yè yīng]
  • [philomel;nightingale] 某些属于歌鸲一类的鸟,夜间啼叫,声音清脆婉转。多见于西方文学作品

夜莺[yè yīng]
  1. 一开始字里行间就漏洞百出,猫声鸟居然把夜莺啄得铩羽而归。

    Even from the first , the words went wrong , the catbird pecked away the nightingale .

  2. 夜莺坐在一棵橡树的树枝上,像往常一样在唱歌。

    A nightingale was sitting on a bough1 of an oak and singing , as her custom was .

  3. 关在笼里的夜莺唱不出歌来。

    Nightingales will not sing in a cage .

  4. 夜莺歌唱。

    Nightingales sing .

  5. cry一词在童话《夜莺与玫瑰》中作为引述动词出现的频率很高。

    The reporting verb " cry " has been frequently used in the fairytale The Nightingale and the Rose .

  6. 夜莺颂-JohnKeats

    Ode To A Nightingale - John Keats

  7. 现在是尤金·麦克卡比(EugeneMcCabe),最好的作品是《死亡和夜莺》(DeathandNightingales)。

    Eugene McCabe from the present ( " Death and Nightingales " is his masterpiece ) .

  8. 艾玛胡是伦敦公园街上希尔顿酒店的SpatoYou护肤中心主管,他说:夜莺是吃着梅树上的毛毛虫长大的。

    Emma Hu , director of the Spa to You centre at the Hilton Hotel on London 's Park Lane , said : ' The nightingales were fed on caterpillars that eat from plum trees .

  9. 然而,10月答案揭晓时,被选中代表中国大陆角逐学院奖的影片,却是费利普·弥勒(PhilippeMuyl)执导的小成本电影《夜莺》。

    Instead , it emerged in October that " The Nightingale , " a small-budget film directed by Philippe Muyl , had been chosen to represent the country at the Academy Awards .

  10. PakenhamBeatty说:当爱情来临,有人看到五月的玫瑰,有人听到六月的夜莺。

    Some find love with the rose in May and some with the nightingale in June , wrote Pakenham Beatty .

  11. 我有三张《夜莺》首次公演的戏票。

    I had three tickets to the premiere of'the nightingale ' .

  12. 我说那不夜莺,而是一只芙蓉鸟。

    That is not nightingale , but a golden orioles actually .

  13. 带走了夜莺计划的所有记录。

    He took all the records of project nightingale with him .

  14. “夜莺”你是科学考察队的指挥官。

    Nightingale , you 're in command of the science team .

  15. 我知道,不过这个不能解释夜莺。

    I know , but it doesn 't explain nightingale .

  16. 我是直接向夜莺提问的。

    I fired that question right back at the nightingale .

  17. 枭鸟唱歌,夜莺屏息。

    When the owl sings , the nightingale will hold her peace .

  18. 金莺、夜莺和云雀不再唱歌了吗?

    Have orioles and nightingales and skylarks ceased to sing ?

  19. 你能听见天堂美丽的夜莺的歌声吗?

    Can you hear the song of nightingale in heaven ?

  20. 很快,夜莺尽情地唱起它那美妙的歌。

    Soon the nightingale is pouring out its wonderful song .

  21. 你想知道他们为什么叫我“夜莺”?

    You want to know why they call me nightingale ?

  22. 《夜莺颂》是约翰济慈写的。

    Ode to a nightingale is written by John keats .

  23. 让他相信给我们看夜莺的文件。

    Convince him to show us his files on nightingale .

  24. “他为一朵红玫瑰而哭泣。”夜莺告诉大家。

    " He is weeping for a red rose ," said the Nightingale .

  25. 英诗中夜莺与汉诗中杜鹃之意象观照

    English nightingales and the Chinese cuckoo : A comparative view of poetic images

  26. 如同夜莺在初夏里鸣啼。

    As Philomel in summer 's front doth sing .

  27. 夜莺尽情歌唱着幸福无价。

    One nightingale sang at her heart 's content : happiness is priceless .

  28. 夜莺?我对它一无所知。

    The nightingale ? I know nothing about it .

  29. 我在俄罗斯歌唱东方夜莺在歌唱记韩国女高音歌唱家周淑眉

    I Sing Songs in Russia Korean Soprano Sui Jo

  30. 他想听专业夜莺唱它。

    He wanted to hear trained voices sing it .