
  • 网络lost cities
  1. 迷失之城Z据推测位于巴西深深的丛林之中,据说有着复杂的桥梁网络、道路和寺庙的先进文明的城市。

    Supposedly located deep in the jungles of Brazil , the lost city of Z was said to be an advanced civilization with a sophisticated network of bridges , roads , and temples .

  2. 甚至还有更奇怪的解释,包括外星人、存在一个巨大的磁铁,月亮的位置,巨浪的突然出现,时间/空间扭曲,静电荷,以及迷失之城亚特兰大的居民的返回。

    Some of the more bizarre explanations include extra-terrestrials , the presence of a huge magnet , the position of the moon , sudden appearing of giant waves , time / space warps , electrostatic charges , and the return of the inhabitants of the lost city Atlanta .