
  • 网络lost in translation
  1. 因为出演《迷失东京》和《戴珍珠耳环的少女》而成名的斯嘉丽去年秋天在巴黎开了一家爆米花店。

    The actor , who rose to fame for her roles in Lost In Translation and Girl With A Pearl Earring , opened a popcorn shop in Paris last Autumn .

  2. 他说,研究判定,出演《迷失东京》和《戴珍珠耳环的少女》的美国女演员斯嘉丽·约翰逊那微翘的鼻子,就是最理想的鼻型。

    He said the study 's verdict meant the slightly upturned nose of American actress Scarlet Johansson - hailed for performances in Lost In Translation and Girl with a Pearl Earring - had the ideal shape .

  3. 迷失东京是州长施瓦辛格的最爱。

    Lost in Tranlation is Governor Schwarzenegger 's favorite movie .

  4. 要不把它挂起来等人来买?&《迷失东京》

    We should probably hang around until someone orders it ?

  5. 你能周五再走吗?&《迷失东京》

    Can you stay here until friday ?

  6. 可爱的概念,但我认为有什么东西迷失东京在这个户外运动的固特异。

    Lovely concept , but I think there 's something lost in translation in this outdoor campaign for Goodyear .

  7. 斯嘉丽还出言过电影《她》。早在一月中旬,这位《迷失东京》女演员就告诉《早安美国》她还没有和未婚夫举办婚礼的打算。

    As recently as mid January the Lost In Translation star told Good Morning America she had not yet put together her nuptials to the Paris-based Dauriac .