
  • 网络Selma;thelma
  1. 塞尔玛是来自奥斯陆的武器贩运商。

    Thelma is an arms trafficker from Oslo .

  2. 塞尔玛50岁时还有结实的下巴和光滑的脖子。

    At the age of fifty Thelma still had a firm chin and a smooth neck .

  3. 但12月出现了很多影片,如《塞尔玛》(Selma)和《美国狙击手》(AmericanSniper)等。

    But December gave us plenty : " Selma , " " American Sniper " and more .

  4. 今年3月,阿拉巴马州将迎接大约三万名游客来到塞尔玛,纪念民权游行50周年,该游行促成了1965年的《投票权法案》(VotingRightsAct)。

    Alabama is ready to welcome an estimated 30000 visitors to Selma in March for the 50th anniversary of the civil rights marches that led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 .

  5. 亚拉巴马州塞尔玛市(Selma,Alabama)是上世纪60年代在民权问题上,尤其是选举权问题上发生冲突的中心。

    Selma , Alabama , was a center of conflict over civil rights in the1960s , particularly voting rights .

  6. 比如,这些发现直率地提醒人们,《饥饿游戏》(TheHungerGames)等由女性主导的大片和《塞尔玛》(Selma)等非裔美国人题材的情节片在这个同质化严重的领域内仍然属于异数。

    Among other things , the findings are a blunt reminder that female-driven blockbusters like " The Hunger Games " and African-American dramas like " Selma " remain exceptions in a largely homogeneous field .

  7. 与此同时,对《塞尔玛》(Selma)、《模仿游戏》(TheImitationGame)和《狐狸猎手》(Foxcatcher)来说,这是个痛苦的夜晚。这几部出色的影片本来似乎有可能夺得大奖,但最终未能如愿。

    Meanwhile , it was a tough night for " Selma , " " The Imitation Game " and " Foxcatcher , " prominent films that had seemed in line for major awards but didn 't win .

  8. 在表演奖项中没有少数族裔演员入围,尽管在《塞尔玛》中饰演小马丁·路德·金博士的大卫·奥伊罗(DavidOyelowo)曾被广泛认为有可能获得最佳男主演提名。

    No minorities made the acting lists , though David Oyelowo , who played the Rev . Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma , had been widely regarded as a best actor prospect .

  9. 塞尔玛在一座耸立着一排排住宅的小山腰前刹住车子。

    Selma braked the car on a hill lined with town houses .

  10. 我们一起手挽手,搭巴士去塞尔玛。

    And we all held hands , rode the bus to selma .

  11. 就像当年这条真理在色内加瀑布、塞尔玛、石墙这些地方指引着人们,

    Just as it guided through and Selma and stonewall .

  12. 塞尔玛发生这样的事是没什么理由来自豪的。

    There is no cause for pride in what has happened in Selma .

  13. 塞尔玛于本周二表示,他并没有听到任何与这个视频有关的不满。

    Selmayr said Tuesday he had not received any complaints about the video .

  14. 还有其他的交叉点,比如阿拉巴马州塞尔玛市的埃德蒙佩特斯大桥,

    Other intersections , like the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma , Alabama ,

  15. 今年,我们举行了塞尔玛游行50周年纪念活动;

    This year , we commemorated the 50th anniversary of the March on Selma ;

  16. 我们来谈谈塞尔玛游行吧上个周末是纪念日

    We need to talk about Selma , The anniversary was this past weekend .

  17. 在我家里拍摄“塞尔玛游行”那次看来有一阵子了我看见他们…

    We screened " Selma " At our home.So a while ago . I saw them ...

  18. 塞尔玛,要依我看啊,那条裙子可不太适合你穿。

    If I might say so , that skirt doesn 't quite fit you , Selma .

  19. 仍然是指引我们的北斗星,就像当年这条真理在色内加瀑布、塞尔玛、石墙

    just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls , and Selma , and Stonewall ;

  20. 塞尔玛行军和选举权力法案已经过去了半个世纪,

    But it 's been over a half century since Selma and the Voting Rights Act ,

  21. 塞尔玛:在你离开的时候,我们对重新设计这家店,引入了防盗系统。

    Thelma : While you were gone , we redesigned this store with an anti-theft system .

  22. 塞尔玛阿谢尔站在地球仪旁,贴身的蓝裙子衬托出一条大腿的美妙轮廓。

    Selma Ascher stood at the globe , outlining a delicious thigh under the slim blue skirt .

  23. 从自由之夏到塞尔玛行军(黑人选民登记活动),那一代的活动者知道选举事关重大,

    From Freedom Summer to the march in Selma , that generation of activists knew that voting matters ,

  24. 没错我不知道你们有没有看过电影“塞尔玛游行”

    Yeah , I mean , I don 't know if you saw the movie " Selma . "

  25. 塞尔玛是个勤奋好学的姑娘,她对蒂妮和莉娜那样轻浮的姑娘是不大能容忍的。

    Selma was a studious girl , who had not much tolerance for giddy things like Tiny and Lena .

  26. 我们刚刚讨论了“塞尔玛游行”还有奥普拉当然她制作了那部电影

    And we 're talking about the " Selma . " And Oprah , of course produced that movie .

  27. 他和同事们在蒙哥马利面对消防水管和警犬;在塞尔玛的一座桥上被殴打;

    he and his colleagues faced fire hoses and dogs in Montgomery , beatings on a bridge in Selma ,

  28. 它首先在一系列数露面,是在电影塞尔玛和路易斯,在1991年显着。

    It starts with a few appearances in the series and is remarkable in the film Thelma and Louise , in1991 .

  29. 你还可能跟随博因顿·罗宾逊博士这样的英雄,他是在比利俱乐部和塞尔玛血腥星期日的催泪瓦斯事件中幸存下来的英雄。

    You will follow heroes like Dr. Boynton Robinson who survived the billy clubs and the tear gas of Bloody Sunday in Selma .

  30. 让金博士和非常多的历史人物牺牲在塞尔玛,伯明翰,蒙哥马利和孟菲斯。

    for which Dr. King and so many other historic Americans sacrificed in places like Selma , Birmingham , Montgomery , and Memphis .