
sāi hàn
  • plug welding
塞焊[sāi hàn]
  1. 不锈钢车体的主要焊接形式有点焊、环焊、塞焊等,焊接部位存在较大的应力集中,容易发生疲劳破坏。

    The main welding methods of stainless steel carbody contain spot welding , ring welding , plug welding , etc. Due to the structure features , large stress concentration at welding position can induce the fatigue failure .

  2. 研究认为它们的焊接性较差,需要采取预热和焊后热处理的方法来消除焊接冷裂纹,并采用塞焊和焊接加强筋来提高焊接接头的连接强度。

    Their weldability is considered worse through study . The method of preheat and post heat treatment is neccessary to adopt for removing welding cold cracks and plug welding & welding stiffener for improving the jointing strength of welded joint .

  3. 在焊接中梁环行塞焊孔时,由于焊接空间的狭小,突破了传统的直接采用CIR命令焊接圆弧的方法,以ARC的命令代替CIR命令,解决了环行焊缝焊接咬肉的焊接缺陷问题。

    When circuit weld hole is welded on center sills , CIR command adopted traditionally to weld circle arc is changed due to narrow welding space . ARC command has substituted for CIR command , resolving undercut welding defects existing on circuit weld seam .

  4. 用气体保护塞焊,焊接座椅横梁两侧。

    Plug-weld the seat cross member at the sides under shielding gas .

  5. 用气体保护塞焊,将侧梁焊接到区域。

    Plug-weld the side member in area under shielding gas .

  6. 使用惰性气体在区域中对外侧梁进行塞焊。

    Plug weld the outer side member in area using inert gas .

  7. 塞焊孔工艺方法

    Methods on the technology of fill in welding hole

  8. 用气体保护塞焊,将连接件焊接到铰链柱和防火墙上。

    Plug-weld the connection to the hinge pillar and the fire wall under shielding gas .

  9. 焊接翼子板固定横杆使用惰性气体通过塞焊将翼子板固定横杆焊接在区域中。

    Welding in the wing fastening rail plug-weld the wing fastening rail in area using inert gas .

  10. 用气体保护塞焊,焊接外侧下侧梁和内侧下侧梁。

    Plug-weld the outer lower side member and the inner lower side member together under shielding gas .

  11. 在塞焊焊缝处及塞焊周围距离内无细漆碎屑存在。

    No spalled paint exists at the plug weld and for a short distance each side of the plug welds .

  12. 提出了在混凝土结构上化学植筋,再通过塞焊和灌浆安装钢梁节点板的新方法。

    This paper puts up a new method for installing steel beam joints on concrete structures by chemically-planted steel bars .

  13. 对塞焊焊缝的详细检查表明在焊渣及气孔附近,焊缝中存在着人字型裂纹。

    Close examination of the plug welds showed the existence of herringbone patterns near the slag and voids in welds .

  14. 结果表明,绳轮发生分离是由塞焊金属断裂引起的,而其断裂的原因则是焊接质量不良。

    The examination indicated that the sheave had been failed by plug weld fracture , which was attributed to poor weld quality .

  15. 运用有限元方法,对大型客车车身薄板结构焊接时采用的电铆焊、连续焊、断续焊及塞焊的残余应力进行了热-弹塑性数值模拟。

    The dynamic welding residual stresses by plug welds , continuous welds and intermittent welds in sheet structure were simulated and analyzed by using thermal elastic-plastic finite element method .

  16. 因此,断裂可能是由于从塞焊焊缝内的焊渣和气孔外形成的尖锐的疲劳裂纹而产生的。裂缝中封存有焊药是强度不足或断裂的主要原因。

    Thus the fracture likely initiated from fatigue sharpened cracks originating from slag and void in the plug welds . Flux entrapped in the joints is the principal cause of low strength or failure .

  17. 针对叶轮流道窄小、材料极薄难以按常规方法焊接的问题提出了以塞焊进行焊接的方法。介绍了相应的工艺措施。

    Aimed at the problem of narrow flow channel of impeller & material is too thin to weld as usual , the welding method of fillet weld is provided and the relative technology measure is introduced .

  18. 先进摩擦焊接技术具有巨大的开发潜力,是适应环境的21世纪材料加工制造技术,它主要包括线性摩擦焊、摩擦堆焊、搅拌摩擦焊和摩擦塞焊。

    Advanced Friction welding technique is a kind of material processing technology of great potential , which mainly composed of linear friction welding ( LFW ), consumable-rod friction surfacing ( CFS ), friction stir welding ( FSW ) and friction plug welding ( FPW ) .

  19. AFA3G燃料棒下端塞电子束焊产生气胀的分析

    Analysis of Undercutting on EBW Girth Weld of Bottom End Plug for AFA 3G Fuel Rod