
  • 网络shooting brake;television car
  1. 本文介绍亚州第一台模拟分量电视车视频系统的设计思想,比较详细地阐述了该车的各种功能,总结了不同于复合电视车的新特点。

    This article describes the design idea of video system in the first analog component van in Asia , and various functions of the van , and summarizes the new features that are different from those in composite television van .

  2. 电视转播车在电子现场节目制作(EFP)中能够发挥很大的作用,但购买标准转播车的高额费用,让很多地(市)县级电视台望而却步。

    The relay vehicle in the electronic scene program playes the very major role , but high expense prevented many cities county level television station .

  3. 制作数字电视转播车的几点体会

    Some Experience with Making Digital TV OB Van

  4. 我国第一辆模拟分量电视转播车

    First Analog Component OB-Van in China Television

  5. 用普通型车改装电视转播车

    Refit Relay Vehicle with the Ordinary Vehicle

  6. 简易电视转播车在丰县电视台的打造

    Buying a Car The Construction of Simple Relay Vehicle in Fengxian TV Station The History Of Television

  7. 经营者说,电视购物车是通过让孩子非常开心,使孩子父母可以花更多的时间去购物来产生利润的。

    Marketers say the TV Karts generate revenue by keeping children entertained so parents can shop longer .

  8. 介绍了一种用于电视转播车可扩展车厢使用面积的侧拉厢机构。

    This paper introduces a side body mechanism who can expand the use area of TV rediffusion van .

  9. 电视转播车是电视台制作节目的重要设备,搞好数字转播车的维护调整和设备的更新改造,不仅能减少投入,而且可持久地为录制高质量的节目提供强有力的保障。

    TV OB Van is an important equipment to produce program for TV Station , with the development of technique , it can reduce cost and provide guarantee for recording HQ program by maintaining and adjusting the digital OB van and reforming equipment .

  10. 江苏电视台卫星车设计

    Design of Vehicle Mounted Satellite Earth Station for Jiangsu TV

  11. 彩色电视实况转播车

    Colour television outside broadcast vehicle

  12. 地面控制站由一辆指挥&控制车、一辆机动控制车、一辆机动相片处理车和一辆机动电视图像处理车组成。

    The ground control station consists of a command & control vehicle , a mobile control vehicle , a mobile photo processing vehicle , and a mobile television image processing vehicle .

  13. 瞧你这种破车,没有一个电视名星开这种车。

    Look at that piece of junk.No TV star drives a car like that .