
diàn hè fēn bù
  • charge distribution
  1. 从电荷分布角度看,电子主要分布在小分子和团簇中心13号Al原子上。

    Considered charge distribution , charges concentrated in small molecular and the center aluminum atom of clusters .

  2. 14.7MeV中子引起~(238)U裂变的电荷分布

    Charge distribution in the fission of ~ ( 238 ) u by 14.7 MeV neutron

  3. 稳恒电路中导体内的体电荷分布关于{x/n}的分布

    Distribution of Physical Charge inside the Conductor of Stable and Constant Circuit

  4. 有机LED器件结构对其内部电场和电荷分布的影响

    Effect of Device Structure on the Distribution of Electrical Field and Charges of Organic LED

  5. 分数量子Hall体系的电荷分布

    The charge density of fractional quantized Hall regime

  6. 溶剂对蛋白质ESIMS离子电荷分布的影响

    Effect of Solvent on Charge State Distribution of Protein Ions by ESI MS

  7. 基于BEM的平行圆板电容器的电荷分布及电容的计算

    Calculation of capacitance and charge distribution of parallel-plate disk capacitor based on BEM

  8. 在特殊情况下,电位移矢量D仅与自由电荷分布有关;H仅与传导电流有关。

    In special conditions , electric displacement vector D is in relation to free charges , magnetic field intensity H is in relation to conducting current .

  9. 用于电介质中空间电荷分布测量的Tikhonov反卷积算法

    The Application of Tikhonov Deconvolution Algorithm for Space Charge Distribution in Dielectrics

  10. 态密度和晶体轨道重叠布居反映了晶体中电荷分布状况及化学成键特点,与晶体结构分析、NMR谱学表征结果相符合。

    The calculated densities of states and crystal orbital overlap populations show the charge distributions and chemical bonding properties which coincide with the experimental results .

  11. 通过拉伸试验和PEA法对MgO/LDPE复合材料力学性能、空间电荷分布进行了分析。

    The mechanical properties and space charge distribution of MgO / LDPE composites were analyzed by the tensile test and PEA .

  12. 用金球C&V技术测量热生长SiO2中电荷分布时适用范围的研究

    The Study on Applicability of a Gold Ball C-V Technics in the Measurment of Spatial Distribution of Charge in Thermally Grown SiO_2

  13. 利用Gaussian软件,优化了焦磷酸酯的构型,得到了磷原子电荷分布,结合实验结果,对不同结构的焦磷酸酯水解速率的变化规律作出了合理的解释。

    Using Gaussian , the optimized geometric configuration and charge distribution of pyrophosphates were obtained . Based on experimental results , the variation of the hydrolysis rate of different pyrophosphates was explained reasonably .

  14. 本文应用PS-HONDO方法研究了MoO3在SiO2及γ-Al2O3表面分散特征的差别,从其原子簇模型的势能曲线、成键键能、电荷分布、键级和轨道组成等方面进行了分析。

    The characteristic difference of MoO_3 dispersing on SiO_2 and γ - A1_2O_3 surfaces was studied with PS-HONDO method .

  15. 本文用Ginzburg-Landau理论研究在薄介观超导环中的涡旋电荷分布。

    The vortex charge distribution in a thin mesoscopic superconducting ring is investigated by the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory .

  16. 描述了一种用于检测样品表面电荷分布的静电力显微镜(EFM)。

    An Electrostatic Force Microscope ( EFM ) for testing surface charge distribution of a sample is described .

  17. 应用ABEEMσπ模型研究氨基酸和多肽分子的电荷分布

    Study of the Charge Distribution in Amino-acid and Polypeptide Molecules by ABEEM σπ Model

  18. 本文首先计算了TiC的体相性质。通过模拟其能带结构、态密度、偏态密度及电荷分布等参数来了解其电子结构和键合特性等方面的性质。

    The band structure , density of states , partial density of states and distribution of charge are simulated and analyzed to understand the electronic and bonding properties of TiC bulk .

  19. 应用CsA干扰PHN模型,观察肾小球基膜的阴电荷分布与上皮下免疫复合物、蛋白尿之间的关系。

    With CsA , the relationships among the distribution of negative charges , proteinuria , and subepithelial immune complex in models of PHN were evaluated .

  20. 这些实验产生了大量可靠的原子数据,它们既可用于电荷分布中电离与复合截面的计算,又可用于对X射线谱线形成的线表、激发截面及双电子复合系数的理解。

    The measurements have produced large sets of reliable atomic data , including ionization and recombination cross sections for charge balance calculations , line lists , excitation cross sections , and dielectronic recombination rate for interpreting X-ray line formation as well .

  21. 缓冲溶液的酸度变化能够明显影响PLA2氨基酸侧链的电荷分布,从而改变PLA2的荧光发射强度。

    The pH of buffers could change the fluorescence intensities of PLA2 by changing the charge distribution of its amino acid chain .

  22. 冬虫夏草对大鼠被动性Heymann肾炎肾小球基膜阴电荷分布的影响

    Effect of Cordyceps sinensis on distribution of anionic sites on glomerular basement membrane in rat passive Heymann nephritis

  23. 我们认为kinesin通过各部分巧妙的配合,利用ATP结合和水解的过程中电荷分布的变化,充分利用电势能做功从而实现其高效率的运动。

    It is such the exquisite coupling and the distribution change between each region during the binding and hydrolyzation that make it perform the high efficiency movement .

  24. 本文用EHMO法确定了Mo(100)和W(100)面吸附噻吩的最优几何构型,结合能,净电荷分布等。

    In this paper the optimum geometric pattern , bonding energy , net charge distribution of thiophene adsorbed on Mo ( 100 ) and W ( 100 ) are determined in EHMO method .

  25. 计算得到原子净电荷分布、Mulliken成键布居和分子前沿轨道能量。

    The atomic net charges , Mulliken 's overlap population and molecule frontier orbital energy were researched by the numbers .

  26. 前文曾用EHMO方法对电子施受复合物C6H6·C2(CN)4体系的能量及电荷分布和电荷转移进行了计算和讨论。

    In the previous paper , the energy , the charge distribution and the charge transfer of the electron donor-acceptor complex C_6H_6 · C_2 ( CN ) _4 were already calculated and discussed by the EHMO method .

  27. MEEM模型下含磷有机基团的电荷分布

    The Calculation of Charge Distributions in Groups Containing Phosphorus Element

  28. 从π重迭布居和电荷分布分析,活化S2N2环上的硫原子应是合成夹心配合物的重要步骤。

    It is also predicated that from analysing overlap populations and charge distributions , activating the sulfur atoms on S_2N_2 ring should be a important step of synthesizing its sandwich complexes .

  29. 结果(1)PHN一定时相的肾小球基膜阴电荷分布与上皮下免疫复合物沉积大小、数量及蛋白尿有直接关系。

    Results ( 1 ) The distribution of anionic site on GBM was related directly with subepithelial immune deposits and proteinuria in a certain phase of PHN .

  30. 通过对比研究了纯PE、XLPE以及含乙烯&丙烯酸共聚物(EAA)试样的吸水性能,并对吸水后样品进行了空间电荷分布的测定。

    The water absorbing properties of PE , XLPE and samples with ethylene acrylic acid ( EAA ) are studied by the comparison analysis . The space charge distributions of samples after water absorbing are determined .