
diàn huà fēn jī
  • Telephone extension;extension telephone
  1. 每个房间都有电话分机

    There are telephone extensions in every room .

  2. AssignPhone是个局部人工任务,Telecommunications在此任务过程中向新员工分配电话分机。

    Assign Phone is a local human task during which Telecommunications assigns a telephone extension to the new employee .

  3. CDC-3程控调度电话分机故障诊断系统

    Fault Diagnosis System of the Programming Controlled Dispatching Telephone Set CDC-3

  4. 她的厨房和卧室都有电话分机。

    She has an extension in the kitchen and in the bedroom .

  5. 叫什么名字不太清楚,只知道电话分机是211。

    I 'm not sure of the name , but the extension is211 .

  6. 输入电话分机号,为某人留口信。

    Inputting a telephone extension number to leave a message for a person .

  7. 由专用小交换机提供服务的电话分机。

    Each telephone served by a private branch exchange .

  8. 每间办公室都有电话分机。

    There are telephone extensions in every office .

  9. 克劳瑟先生的电话分机正占着线呢,您稍等一下好吗?

    Mr crowther 's extension is engaged at the moment ; will you hold ?

  10. 他们监听他的电话分机。

    They monitored his telephone extension .

  11. 他的电话分机号码是341560。

    His extension number is341560 .

  12. 她回到自己的工作室,发现电话分机的信号灯正闪着,不知道这东西已经亮了多久。

    When she went back in she noticed that the message light on her phone extension was winking , and wondered how long it had been on .

  13. 便笺上写着电话和分机的号码。

    The note supplied a phone number and extension .

  14. 请直接单独回复邮件或电话(分机850)告诉我您选择的帮助方式,我将尽我所能,把您的帮助送达给老人!

    Please reply me separately or call my EXT Nr.850.Just tell me what you would like to do . I will try my best to deliver your LOVE to the old couple .

  15. 支持个人电话号码或分机号码,可自动将呼叫路由到这些号码上。

    Individual telephone numbers or extension numbers are supported , and calls are automatically routed to them .

  16. 你可以打637-2335这个电话号码,转分机354,与我联系。

    You can reach me at 637-2335 , extension 354 .

  17. 这台电话可以接几个分机?

    C3 : How many extensions can this phone have ?

  18. 她的电话是555-0000(分机号是200)。

    Her number is 555-0000 ( ext. 200 ) .

  19. 然后,每当我们试图将电话从一个分机转向另一个分机时,就会出现断线。

    Woman : Then , whenever we try to transfer calls from one extension to another we lose them .

  20. 其实不管您按哪个钮,结果都一样(我们家只有一部电话,并没有分机),但这会让您感觉,我们家里好象有一台很大的电话交换机。

    All of this button pushing doesn 't do anything , but it makes you feel like we have a big time phone system .

  21. 电话号码(包括电话区号和分机号)太长。

    The phone number , including prefix and suffix , is too long .

  22. 本文主要论述紧急电话系统构成、紧急电话传输系统、系统功能、电原理、紧急电话分机结构和系统的实用性。

    In this paper , the composition of the system , transmission system , system function , electrical principles and structure of emergency telephone extensions as well as its practicability are presented .