
  • 网络simple fault
  1. 目前电网保护配置结构是基于被保护对象局部信息所形成的动作策略,在简单故障条件下和保护动作时间范围内,为系统提供了正确的动作决策。

    The current structure of power protection configuration object has been formed to protect the action strategy based on local information , in simple fault conditions , the system provides the correct action decision-making .

  2. 对电力系统的运行状态进行分析需要进行大量的计算,电力系统计算机模拟计算主要包括潮流计算、简单故障计算、复杂故障计算、静态稳定计算和动态稳定计算等计算。

    The analysis needs mass of computing for running status of electricity power system . Electricity power system computer simulation the computing include the current computing , simple fault computing , complicated fault computing , quiescent stabilization the computing and development stabilization the computing etc.

  3. 充分利用柔性SCADA的交互性特点,实现了报警信息的分层传输和分层利用,满足了简单故障的快速诊断和复杂故障的准确诊断要求。

    This method takes full advantage of flexible SCADA interactive features to achieve the stratification of transmission and use for alarm information , which meets the requirement of rapid for simple faults and preciseness for complex faults .

  4. 声音设备的安装和简单故障处理

    The Installation of Sound Device and the Solution of Simple Malfunctions

  5. 最简单故障流方法及其在电力系统可靠性试验中的应用

    The Simplest Fault Flow Method and Its Application in Reliability Test of Electric Power

  6. 经过测试,该软件可以用于诊断船舶电力系统中一些常见的简单故障。

    After testing , the software can be used to diagnose simple failures in the ship power system .

  7. 软件所采用的算法基于对称分量法,既适用于简单故障计算,又适用于复杂故障计算。

    The algorithm bases on symmetrical components method , and it can calculate simple faults and complex faults .

  8. 其次基于简单故障计算模型,导出了一种计及网络操作的任意复杂故障的计算方法。

    Secondly , a calculation method for any complex faults allowing for network operation is educed based on simple-fault calculation model here .

  9. 用此方法不仅可以诊断简单故障和复杂故障,还可以判断故障类型、故障相别,并完成故障测距,为运行人员迅速切除故障、恢复运行提供了可靠的保证。

    This method can not only diagnose simple and complicated faults , but also distinguish between fault types and phases and determine fault location .

  10. 这种方法不需要形成故障后全网的节点导纳阵,可以方便地计算各种简单故障和复杂故障。

    The admittance matrix for nodes of whole network after faulting is not necessary , hence the calculation for various simple and complex faults are easy .

  11. 介绍输液泵的临床应用,分析它的结构和工作原理,阐述了在操作使用过程中的简单故障处理。

    We introduce the clinical application of infusion pump , analyze its structure and the principle of work and elaborate the simple trouble processing in the operation process .

  12. 针对燃烧故障诊断和状态评判的特点,提出了燃烧安全性诊断综合模型,该模型包括简单故障预测和诊断模型和燃烧状态评判模型。

    According to characteristics of malfunction diagnose and state judgment of combustion , this paper brought forward a comprehensive model of combustion safety diagnose , this model include two parts : malfunction diagnose model and state judgment of combustion model .

  13. 传统保护装置中的选相元件一般只考虑简单故障的情况,单独采用任何一种选相元件都不能完全满足线路选相的要求,因此有必要对选相方法进行进一步的研究。

    However traditional protection devices are too simple that it can only fit to some simple fault condition . All kind of fault phase selector alone can not fully meet the power line fault selection . It is necessary to approach the selection with further study .

  14. 引入了快速CRC和辅助信息相结合的校验方法,提高了采集数据的精度,并且实现了简单的故障诊断和错误处理机制。

    CRC and supplementary information check mode will enhance the accuracy of the collected data . The system supports the realization of simple fault diagnosis and error handling mechanisms .

  15. Neag用双轴分量(odq)推出了简单短路故障的计算公式。

    The calculating formulae of simple short circuit fault were obtained by Neag with two axes components ( odq ) / 4 / .

  16. 针对广州发电厂重油分离机的控制系统简单、故障判断困难的问题,分析了分离机振动特点,设计了一套基于LVQ神经网络技术的故障诊断系统。

    The simplicity of the control system of the heavy oil separator in Guangzhou Power Plant makes it difficult to judge separator 's failures , in view of which the vibration characteristics of the separator are analyzed and a fault diagnosis system based on LVQ neural network technique is designed .

  17. 臂气压式驱动构造简单、故障机率少。

    Arm pneumatic type driving , simple construction , trouble free .

  18. 简单不对称故障修改节点电流源的快速计算方法

    The Rapid Algorithm of Modifying Node Current Source in Simply Asymmetric Fault

  19. 因此它具有算法简单,故障分类能力强等优点。

    It has the advantages such as simply calculation , strong classify ability and so on .

  20. 设有自动润滑系统,操作简单,故障率低,裁断力强。

    With automatic lubricating system with easy operation , low fault rate and strong vutting force .

  21. 本机采用液压系统,结构简单,故障率低,工作噪音小。

    This machine is with hydraulic system , simple structure , less problem and less noise .

  22. 这样修复很常见的最简单安全故障也会产生很高的成本。

    This results in a very high cost to fix what is often the simplest security bug .

  23. 在辨识算法的基础上,本文提出了一种故障检测方法,研究了多相短路故障的特点和开断策略,并给出了一种简单的故障类型判断方法。

    It was also proposed the method to identify the fault type and the whole CFI strategy .

  24. 采用简单的故障检测和故障补偿,快速抵消故障影响。

    The simple fault detection and fault complement were adopted , so it was fast counteract the fault affective .

  25. 通过自动化进行标准的故障解决步骤,这个工具使用户可以从一个位置完成简单的故障解决步骤。

    By automating the standard troubleshooting steps , the tool walks users through basic troubleshooting steps from one location .

  26. 唯一转动的式浮球,结构简单,故障少,体积小。

    It was the floater that only rotated , of simple structure , there are few troubles , small .

  27. 飞机故障综合告警技术是一门随着飞机设计技术及电子技术发展而不断发展的应用技术,它起先只是简单的故障灯告警形式,为了提高告警效能,继而增加了音响告警;

    Integrated warning technology is one applicable technology which develops with the development of aircraft design technology and electronic technology .

  28. 最简单的故障迁移集群有两个节点:一个节点是活动的,另外一个节点是备用的,不过它会一直对活动节点进行监视。

    The simplest fail-over cluster has two nodes : one stays active and the other stays on stand-by but constantly monitors the active one .

  29. 目前,国内外学者对粗糙集的研究主要集中在如何应用它的方法,处理一些简单的故障诊断信息表,探讨这种方法的可行性。

    For the time being , study of RS focus mainly on how to deal with some simple fault diagnosis information tables and its feasibility of the method .

  30. 多故障分类器应用于液压泵故障诊断结果表明,该故障分类器可实现多故障的识别和诊断,并且具有算法简单和故障分类能力强的优点。

    The multi-fault classifier was applied to fault diagnosis of hydraulic pump , and the results show that it has such advantages as simple algorithm and excellent capability of fault classification .