
  • 网络account name
  1. 很多Web站点需要用户使用账号名和密码登录。

    Many Web sites require users to log in with account names and passwords .

  2. 请输入登录该服务器的账号名。

    Please enter your account name for logging onto this server .

  3. 我已经注意到了名片的极简化趋势,现在有些名片上只有一个网站地址,一个电邮地址,或是一个Twitter账号名。

    I have already noticed a trend towards minimalism with some business cards now featuring just a web address , an email or a Twitter handle .

  4. 许多人上前来和她说话。交谈五分钟后,他们可能就会透露自己的Twitter账号名。这时,洛克伍德会认出他们,她的眼睛闪着光,拥抱着网友。

    Many people came up to talk to her & five minutes into a conversation they might reveal their Twitter handles , at which point her eyes sparked with recognition and she hugged them .

  5. 所公布的私人账号开户名必须与事主身份证上的资料一致;

    The public and private account Account Name must be consistent with the information on victim identification ;

  6. 如果事主为儿童,请提供监护人身份证及户口簿扫描图片,账号开户名亦应与监护人资料一致;

    If the victim as a child , please provide the guardian of identity cards and household registration book scanned images , account information Account Name should be consistent with the guardian ;

  7. 这个名为替你买的微博账号由三名来自华中师范大学武汉传媒学院的大二女生创建。

    The micro blog Help You Buy was launched by three female sophomores from the Wuhan Media and Communication College at Central China Normal University .