
zhàng bù
  • account book
账簿 [zhàng bù]
  • [account book] 记账的簿册

账簿[zhàng bù]
  1. 你必须在账簿上登记你花了5美元。

    You must enter ( up ) the $ 5 you spent in the account book .

  2. 律师:如果团体的账簿不能达到要求呐?

    Taxpayer : What will happen if the group 's account book fails to meet the requirement ?

  3. 她啪的一声合上了账簿。

    She closed the ledger with a smack .

  4. 我兴致勃勃地研究这些账簿,经常计算到凌晨1点。

    I pored over the books with great enthusiasm , often crunching the numbers until 1:00 a.m.

  5. 要等到会计核查完账簿,我才会知道盈利状况如何。

    I won 't know how successful it is until an accountant has gone over the books .

  6. 分类账本和账簿都被销毁了

    The ledgers and account books had all been destroyed .

  7. 账簿都被销毁了

    The ledgers had all been destroyed .

  8. 1.迫使华尔街自律监管机构&美国金融业监管局(FinancialIndustryRegulatoryAuthority,以下简称FINRA)公开账簿和记录。

    Compel the wall street self-regulator FINRA ( financial industry regulatory authority ) to open its books and records .

  9. 徽商银行在IPO中聘用了19家账簿管理人。在金融企业IPO销路不畅的香港市场,多聘账簿管理人的现象已变得越来越普遍。

    Huishang also hired 19 bookrunners to help get its listing over the line , an increasingly common feature of Hong Kong 's fragile market for financial IPOs .

  10. 在不包括日本的亚洲地区,巴克莱是g3(美欧日)公司高息债券的主要账簿管理人。

    Barclays is the leading book-runner of G3 corporate high-yield debt in Asia , excluding Japan .

  11. 在欧洲,今年逾1亿美元的IPO中,有3家以上账簿管理人的交易比例从去年的23%升至47%。

    In Europe the rate of deals worth more than $ 100m with more than three bookrunners is up from 23 per cent last year to 47 per cent this year .

  12. 在亚洲,今年逾5亿美元的IPO中,每宗交易账簿管理人的平均数量从去年的4家增至今年的7家,高于其他所有地区。

    In Asia , the average number of bookrunners this year on each deal of more than $ 500m is up more than any other region , from four last year to seven this year .

  13. 很怀疑西班牙和意大利会愿意将账簿交给IMF,然后被告知它们需要实施紧缩措施,同时还要解雇数千政府雇员?

    It is doubtful that Spain and Italy would want to turn over their books to the IMF so they can be told to institute harsh austerity measures and to fire thousands of government workers .

  14. 它可以照顾最惠投资者的利益、利用CDO对冲其贷款账簿,甚至占据交易头寸。

    It could promote the interests of favoured investors , use CDOs to hedge its own loan book or even take a trading position .

  15. 据CFTC说,交易所看到的曼氏总账簿没有这方面的转账记录。

    The transfers weren 't recorded in the firm 's general ledger reviewed by exchange officials , according to the agency .

  16. 我从2009年初起就多次明确表态,FINRA必须公开账簿和记录。

    Starting in early 2009 and repeatedly since then I have stated unequivocally that FINRA must open its books and records .

  17. EBA表示,各银行必须在交易账簿上对主权债务和金融机构债务采用按市值计价,并对价格做特别折减,以反映市场发展态势。

    For the trading books , banks have to mark sovereign and financial bonds to market , applying specific haircuts that reflect market developments , the EBA said .

  18. 然而,Frob仅剩下50亿欧元,尚不足以覆盖Bankia的损失;政府强烈希望将190亿欧元的注资放在在西班牙的账簿之外。

    With only € 5bn left , however , it is insufficient to cover the losses at Bankia ; the government is keen to keep the € 19bn injection off the Spanish books .

  19. 拥有一枚比特币即拥有一个密码——它将你确定为一个特定钱包的所有者,公共账簿(或者叫“区块链”(BlockChain))会证明钱包内东西的归属。

    To own a bitcoin is to possess a secret code that identifies you as the holder of a particular wallet , to whose contents the public ledger ( or " blockchain " ) attests .

  20. 上个月,在忠旺询价圈购(book-building)期间,机构账簿超额认购接近3倍,人们真心希望,这家将得益于基础设施支出增加的企业,有望获得一个良好的上市开局。

    During the book-building process for China Zhongwang last month , the institutional book was nearly three times covered and there were real hopes that a company due to benefit from raised infrastructure spending would get off to a solid start .

  21. 瑞穗欧洲公共部门与企业债资本市场主管莫文琼斯(MorvenJones)表示:自金融危机爆发以来,企业一直急于取悦尽可能多的贷款银行,因此我们看到,担任账簿管理人的银行数量有所增多。

    Since the crisis , companies have been keen to keep as many lending relationship banks happy , so we have seen a rise in the number of bookrunners appointed , said Morven Jones , head of public sector and corporate debt capital markets for Europe at Nomura .

  22. 为避免混乱,企业通常任命少数几家银行作为联席全球协调人或带头(lead-left)账簿管理人。企业给予这些银行更大的决策权并支付更高的费用。

    In a bid to counter confusion , companies often appoint a few banks as ' joint global co-ordinators ' or ' lead-left ' bookrunners , which gives them greater decision-making powers and fees .

  23. 在金融危机前,每宗交易账簿管理人的平均数量是近两家。

    Before the financial crisis the average was closer to two .

  24. 会计可以帮助你建立账簿和记录档案。

    An accountant can help you set up your books and record-keeping .

  25. 我查看了奥尔森先生存放账簿的文件夹。

    I looked in the file where Mr. Olsen kept his records .

  26. 她当会计时对账簿做了手脚。

    She fiddled the books while working as an accountant .

  27. 因此,股东账簿查阅权对于完善公司治理而言有着重要的意义。

    It is a great significance to perfecting corporate governance .

  28. 账簿管理人的职责是评估投资者兴趣,分配股份,有时还充当承销商。

    Bookrunners gauge investor interest , allocate shares and sometimes act as underwriters .

  29. 他的工作是保管一家小企业的账簿。

    In his job , he kept the books for a small business .

  30. 他的工作是保管一个小公司的账簿。

    In his job , he capped the books for a small business .