
  • 网络Aging Analysis;aged analysis
  1. 提交账龄分析报告,并跟进帐龄周期控制。

    Provide the aging report and follow up action .

  2. 但现在大部分企业使用电脑软件,编制月度应收账款账龄分析表又快又容易。

    Today , however , most businesses have computer software that quickly and easily prepares monthly aging schedules of accounts receivable .

  3. 负责应收账款的账龄分析、及收款计划预测;

    Analysis of AR account , and provide AR collection planning ;

  4. 该法以账龄分析表为基础,把坏账准备账户调整到所需的余额。

    This approach is based upon an aging schedule , and the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is adjusted to a required balance .

  5. 应收账款和应付账款预估无法收回应收账款的可能金额时最常用的办法是建立在应收账款的账龄分析上的。

    The most widely used method oil estimating the probable amount of uncollectible accounts is based upon an aging of the accounts receivable .

  6. 下表列示了从账龄分析表中得出的加总数,反映了预计坏账总额是怎样计算出来的。

    The following schedule lists the group totals from the aging schedule and shows how the estimated total amount of uncollectible accounts is computed .

  7. 账龄分析表对管理阶层审查单项应收账款和评价赊销放贷及账款回收政策的整体效果非常有用。

    An aging schedule is useful to management in reviewing the status of individual accounts receivable and in evaluating the overall effectiveness of credit and collection policies .

  8. 这种方法快速简单&不需要账龄分析表,也不用考虑坏账准备账户的现存余额。

    This approach is fast and simple & no aging schedule is required and no consideration is given to the existing balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts .