
  • 网络sequencing;scheduling;job scheduling;job shop scheduling
  1. 流水车间作业排序中的改进NEH算法

    An Improved NEH Algorithm for Flow-Shop Sequencing Problem

  2. 基于模糊评判的单机多目标作业排序问题的优化方法

    Optimization Method for Single Machine Sequencing Problem with Multiobjectives Based on Fuzzy Judgement

  3. 两个可解的2×n自由作业排序问题

    Two solvable two-machine open shop scheduling problems

  4. 基于Arena的车间作业排序问题建模方法及其仿真优化系统设计

    Modeling & simulation optimization systems design for job shop scheduling based on Arena

  5. FPSS系统运行表明:能快速得出生产作业排序调度方案,能根据内外环境的变化快速做出有效的资源调整。

    The run of FPSS shows : it can fleetly obtain the production scheme and quickly adjust the resources of the enterprise with the change of environment .

  6. 一类装配式作业排序问题计算复杂性研究

    Study on the Computational Complexity of Scheduling Problem in Assembly Shop

  7. 作业排序专家系统模型中的知识处理方法

    The Knowledge Processing Method in Expert System Model for Operation Scheduling

  8. 对齿轮成组加工中生产作业排序问题的探讨

    Discussion for Scheduling Problem of Manufacturing Operation in Gear Group Machining

  9. CIMS-PPC系统作业排序问题研究

    A study on the scheduling problems of jobs in CIMS-PPC system

  10. 基于冲突指派集求解作业排序问题的深度优先搜索方法

    A depth-first search for solving job scheduling problem based on conflicting assignments

  11. 遗传算法在车间作业排序中的实现

    A realize of genetic algorithm applied to job shop scheduling

  12. 不同顺序加工零件的作业排序与作业安排方法

    The Methods of Arrangment for Different Maching Sequence of Part

  13. 用改进的遗传算法求解流水车间作业排序问题

    Some Methods for Solving Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem Based Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithms

  14. 流水车间作业排序问题蚁群算法研究

    Research on Ant Colonies for the Flow Shop Schedule Problem

  15. 带有限期作业排序快速算法的另一种实现方法

    Another Method of Implementing the Fast Algorithm of Job Scheduling with Time Limit

  16. 利用深度优先搜索方法求解作业排序

    A Depth First Search for Solving Job Scheduling Problem

  17. 具有延迟时间的自由作业排序问题&最坏性能比分析

    Open-Shop Problem with Delays ── The Worst Performance Analysis

  18. 提高交付安全性的瓶颈工序作业排序方法

    Job Sequencing in Bottleneck Process to Increase Delivery Safety

  19. 一种启发式混合遗传算法及其在车间作业排序问题中的应用

    A kind of hybrid heuristic genetic algorithm with applications to job shop scheduling

  20. n/m/G/Fmax类作业排序问题的计算机优化

    The Computer Optimality of n / m / G / Fmax Kind Job Sequencing

  21. 单台机器多目标作业排序问题的探讨

    Research for Single Machine Sequencing Problem with Multiobjectives

  22. 成组作业排序新方法&流程法

    New method for group sequencing & Process method

  23. 用遗传算法求解非同序作业排序问题

    Solution for Job Shop Scheduling by Genetic Algorithms

  24. 物理学相对性原理在作业排序中的应用

    Applying the Principle of Relativity into Operation Sequence

  25. 基于统一建模语言的作业排序系统模型库设计研究

    Design of the model base architecture for production scheduling system based on unified modeling language

  26. 作业排序模拟退火算法影响因素分析和一种多次淬火模拟退火法

    On Effective Factors of Simulated Annealing Algorithm on Job-shop Scheduling and An Algorithm with Repetitious Quenching

  27. 凡是有多个不同的任务要完成,就有作业排序问题。

    The question of job sequencing would appear when different kinds of tasks should be performed .

  28. 车间调度是一类作业排序问题,对于在现有资源条件下提高工作效率和经济效益有重要作用。

    The job scheduling is a kind of job sequencing and important to advance work efficiency and economic performance .

  29. 利用遗传算法解决面向绿色制造的流水车间作业排序问题。

    A kind of Genetic Algorithm is made for solving the flow-shop sequencing problems and proved suitable to the problems .

  30. 作业排序与作业计划是服务业、运输、科研以及各种企业生产中普遍遇到的问题。

    Job sequencing and job plan problem are general problem in service , carrying trade and all kinds of enterprise producing .