
zuò qǔ rén
  • composer
  1. JohnHartford(该曲作曲人)和GlenCampbell都曾在1967年以这首歌曲获得格莱美年度最佳唱片奖。

    John Hartford ( the song 's composer ) and Glen Campbell both won 1967 GRAMMYs for recordings of the song .

  2. 作曲人,这是我们的比赛球,你应当得的,决策人。

    Composer , here 's your game ball , you deserve it , playmaker .

  3. .阿黛尔是一名英国歌手和作曲人。

    Adele Laurie Blue Adkins is a British singer and songwriter .

  4. 准备跟几位广告歌作曲人见面

    I 'm meeting with some jingle writers ,

  5. 我是个很好的作曲人,可是我不是最有才华的音乐人。

    I 'm a great songwriter , but I 'm not the most talented musician .

  6. 戴维:歌手兼作曲人艾琳·麦基翁还在布朗大学读书时就开始了自己的音乐生涯。

    David : Singer / songwriter Erin McKeown started her career while still an undergraduate at Brown .

  7. 他是个充满智慧的唯美主义者,他的音乐比任何其他作曲人的都更能深刻反映人性中的浪漫主义。

    An intellectual as well as an aesthete , his music , more than any other composer , reflects the deep personal nature of Romanticism .

  8. 乔恩·法夫罗建议作曲人莱明·加瓦迪在音乐中保持以重金属吉他配乐为核心,他认为这是最符合铁人的风格的。

    Jon Favreau advised composer Ramin Djawadi to keep the core of the music on heavy guitar , which he felt suited Iron Man best .

  9. 他说就作曲人角度来看,他并没有因为歌曲被抄袭而感到不高兴,因为被抄袭意味着被认同,也只有好的东西才会被模仿拷贝。

    He said he was not unhappy about it as'to a composer , to be copied means acknowledgement , because only the good things will get copied ' .

  10. 现在我对你的印象算是已经到了某种程度吧,不过我第一次见到你的时候,我的反应是:“哦,弹得一手好吉他的作曲人。”

    Now , it may be in there , somewhere , but this , when I first met you , it was like ," Oh , guitar virtuoso songwriter . "

  11. 如果哪个人想在世上觅个可供谈心的知音,恐怕非那位作曲人莫属,因为他必定受过苦,揪过心,做过梦啊。

    If there were any person in the world to choose as a confidant , this composer would be the one , for he must have suffered , and throbbed , and yearned .

  12. 这些特点十分明显,通过分析歌曲旋律,我们就可以预测哪些歌曲可以成为“洗脑神曲”,或者根据这些旋律特点,作曲人和广告商可以写出那些数天或数月都在人们脑中盘旋的旋律。

    That these characteristics are distinct enough that one may be able to predict which songs will get stuck in listeners ' heads by analyzing their melodic content - or , familiarity with these patterns " could help aspiring songwriters or advertisers write a jingle everyone will remember for days or months afterward . "