
  1. 现代作战实验技术的应用与发展

    On the application and development of modern operation experiment technology

  2. 空间作战实验中的模型集成方式

    Ways of Model Integrating for Space War Experiment

  3. 本文对美军运用作战实验研究网络中心战的方法进行了归纳和分析。

    This paper summarizes and analyses how the US navy research into net centric warfare by implementing operational experiments .

  4. 该文介绍了空间作战实验类型和模型类型,提出了集成空间作战实验模型的3种方式,并对各种方式的集成原理和优缺点进行了讨论。

    The paper presents the types of space war experiment and model , suggests three ways of integrating space war models , and discusses their integrating principle and merits and defects .

  5. 指挥决策仿真是仿真领域中的一个重点和难点问题,也是我们联合作战实验中心仿真构模过程中必须突破的技术难题。

    Command Decision Simulation ( CDS ) is not only an important and difficult issue in the field of simulation , but also a technique issue to be tackled in the course of collective Modeling and Simulation in Joint Operations Experiment Center .

  6. 深化作战指挥实验教学培养高素质指挥人才

    Deepening Experimental Teaching of Operational Commander and Cultivating High Quality Commander Talents

  7. 对构建作战实验室实验支撑体系的问题研究

    Research on Constructing Support System for Operational Laboratory Experimentation

  8. 从作战仿真实验中发现和认识战争规律需要科学实验方法的指导。

    It is necessary that scientific experimentation directs an experiment in warfare simulation to discover and cognize rule of Military affairs .

  9. 作战仿真实验规划工具对规划结果进行组合集成,完成成员规划和任务分配,生成仿真实验方案文件。

    It integrates all of results produced by planning of experiment in warfare simulation , fulfills federate planning and task assignment and generates project file .

  10. 美军作战适用性实验中人因工程实验评析

    Analysis of the Human Factor Engineering Test in Operational Test of the U. S. Army

  11. 本文结合广西医科大学实验生理科学实验中心工作,重点阐述如何做好实验技术人员工作,配合教师协同作战,提高实验教学质量。

    Binding the work in experimental physiological science laboratory , we introduced the experience of experimental technicians doing their work , cooperating teachers and promoting the teaching quality .

  12. 空间作战实验室是实验研究空间作战活动的权威机构,研究空间作战实验室的目的是提高部队的战斗力,提出空间作战的新思想。

    Space war lab is an authoritative organization that studies the activities of space war , with the purpose of enhancing the battle effectiveness and bringing forward new ideas of space war .

  13. 文章首先介绍了现代作战试验的起源和发展,进一步论述了现代作战实验技术应用于联合作战训练、武器采办和用于军事问题研究的情况。

    The origin and development of the modern operation experiment are introduced , and a further analysis is made of the application of the modern operation experiment technology to the training of combined operations , the purchase of weapons on a considerable scale and other military affairs .