
yǎn xí
  • exercise;drill;practice;manoeuvre;rehearsal;dry run;dummy run
演习 [yǎn xí]
  • [manoeuvre;exercise;drill] 按战役、战斗的进程,在想定情况的诱导下进行的演练

演习[yǎn xí]
  1. 结合2004年宁夏电网联合反事故演习中DTS的应用情况,本文就DTS系统的结构、功能、网络通讯及应用时的组织措施和技术措施等进行分析和总结。

    Combining Application of DTS in associated anti-accident manoeuvre for Ningxia power network , analyzes the structure , function , web communication , applicable and technique measures .

  2. 在军事演习仿真中,CosimVE是不可缺少的工具,可以大大降低成本,节省金钱、时间、资源和生命,提高安全性和保密性。

    Cosim_VE is a necessary aid for military manoeuvre simulation . It can greatly reduce costs , save moneys 、 time 、 wealth and lives , improve security and secrecy .

  3. 这些训练是为了准备入侵而进行的演习。

    These training exercises are designed to be a rehearsal for the invasion .

  4. 这不是纸上演习——士兵的生命受到了威胁。

    This was not an academic exercise — soldiers ' lives were at risk

  5. 我们开始之前进行了一次演习。

    Before we started we did a dummy run .

  6. 这个营地被用于军事演习。

    The camp was used for military manoeuvres .

  7. 装甲部队在索尔兹伯里平原进行演习。

    The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain .

  8. 鲍威尔将军预测将来甚至可能举行联合军事演习。

    General Powell predicted that in the future it might even be possible to stage joint military exercises

  9. 盟军明日演习,来展示一旦发生新的入侵,其集结速度之快。

    Allied troops begin maneuvers tomorrow to show how quickly forces could be mobilized in case of a new invasion

  10. 这是一次出色的救护演习。

    It is a well and efficient exercise of medical aid .

  11. 这次军事演习被谴责为一次挑衅行为。

    The military exercise was condemned as an act of aggression .

  12. 在离市镇不远的地方演习时发生了爆炸。

    The explosion occurred during an exercise near the town .

  13. 士兵在军事演习时必须按教令行动。

    Soldiers are supposed to follow the instruction manual during military exercises .

  14. 舰队正在东海岸外演习。

    The fleet is manoeuvring off the East coast .

  15. 在军事演习后,所有战斗机都安全降落在机场上。

    All the fighters landed safely on the airport after the military maneuver .

  16. 据宣布,下星期五将举行空中演习。

    It is announced that an aerial maneuver will be launched next friday .

  17. 士兵们被派往北方进行为期3周的演习。

    The soldiers were sent to the north for two weeks on an exercise .

  18. 大规模的演习将于明天举行。

    The grand manoeuvres will be held tomorrow .

  19. 这事发生在演习的过程中。

    This happened in the centre of operations .

  20. 在消防演习中,请执行以下操作:

    During a fire drill , please do the following :

  21. 学生们经常进行地震演习。

    Students often receive earthquake training .

  22. 舰队司令按作战计划进行舰队演习

    The admiral maneuvered his ships in the battle plan .

  23. 一天,他在自家的场地上演习,中靶率高达百分之八九十,心中大为得意。

    One day he was practicing in his own field , and eight or nine times out of ten he hit the target . He became quite complacent1 .

  24. CONTROLLER:“不,这不是演习,不是测试。”

    CONTROLLER : " No , this is not an exercise , not a test . "

  25. 实时地形绘制在游戏、飞行训练、军事演习模拟、地理信息系统(GIS)等领域中有着广泛应用。

    Real-time terrain rendering has been widely used in games , VR , simulations and GIS , etc.

  26. CNN国际记者宝拉·汉考克斯:这是“超级雷霆”演习,是美国和韩国联合举行的大规模空中演习。

    PAULA HANCOCKS , CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT : This is Max Thunder , a massive air exercise between the U.S. and South Korea .

  27. 在演习中的机动SATCOM指挥站。

    The mobile SATCOM command post in exercise .

  28. 此外,只有在政府机构的密切支持下,IMF才能高效地履行新的职责;对于预警演习和退出策略的发展而言,的确如此。

    Also , the Fund will only be able to discharge effectively its new tasks with the close support of the political authorities ; this is certainly so for the development of the early warning exercise and exit strategies .

  29. 5MW低温核供热试验站的应急计划与应急演习

    Emergency planning and emergency drill for a 5 MW district heating reactor

  30. 在这种DTS与SOTS配合的联合仿真模式下,既可以对调度员和变电站操作员进行分别培训,也可进行调度员与变电站操作员协作的联合反事故演习,仿真与培训功能大大增强。

    Under the cooperative simulation mode , the dispatcher and operator can be trained separately and together . The training and simulation functions are greatly enhanced .