
yǎn yì
  • Romance;historical novel;historical romance
演义 [yǎn yì]
  • [historical novel;historical romance] 以历史事实为基础,增添一些细节,用章回体写成的小说

演义[yǎn yì]
  1. 这部作品融历史演义、英雄传奇和神魔小说为一体,构思巧妙。

    The works mixes the historical novel , the heroic legend and the ghost story as a whole . The construction of the Female Celestial is very clever .

  2. 即《青史演义》与蒙古族传统史传文学之间具有继承发展关系,并与汉民族文学、文化之间存在借鉴创新关系。

    That is , the " Qing shi Historical Novel " has the inherit-development relationship with Mongolian traditional literature , and it has the reference-creation relationship with Han literature .

  3. 此剧是取书中的若干章节加以编排贯串,演义而成的。

    The play is an adaptation of some chapters of the book .

  4. 财贿不以动其心,爵禄不以移其志。(《三国演义》)

    Rich bribes cannot move him , nor will high rank and emoluments deflect his purpose .

  5. 皇天后土,实鉴此心。背义忘恩,天人共戮。(《三国演义》)

    Heaven above and earth below ; witness my determination ; and may gods and men scourge me should I fail in my duty or be ungrateful .

  6. 时邯郸淳年方十三岁,文不加点,一挥而就。(《三国演义》)

    At that time Handan Chun was only thirteen , yet his composition was so excellent he never changed a word as they flowed impromptu from his pen .

  7. 亮(诸葛亮)借一帆风,直至江东,凭三寸不烂之舌,说南北两军互相吞并。(《三国演义》)

    I shall borrow a little boat and make a little trip over the river and trust to my glib tongue to set north and South at each other 's throats .

  8. 2019年动画电影《哪吒之魔童降世》大火之后,中国古代小说《封神演义》(《哪吒之魔童降世》灵感来源)也成了电影公司最追捧的神话大IP之一。

    After the animated film Ne Zha soared as a smash hit in 2019 , the stories originating from Fengshen Yanyi ( Investiture of the Gods ) - the ancient novel which has inspired the film Ne Zha - have become one of the most sought-after mythological subjects for studios .

  9. 三国演义是一部无与伦比的经典作品!

    The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is an incomparable masterpiece !

  10. 历史题材的敦煌变文、话本对历史演义的影响

    Influence of Dun Huang Narrative and Story Text upon Historical Genre

  11. 中国机电产品出口企业200强演义之风云2003

    2003 Top 200 Exporters of Machinery & Electronic Products in China

  12. 明清历史演义小说中的平民意识

    The Populace Consciousness in Historical Romances during the Ming Qing Dynasty

  13. 从《三国演义》看历史小说虚构的得与失

    Viewing the Fictive Gain and Loss of the Historical Novel from

  14. 明代历史演义小说的文体创作特征

    Creative features on Novel Style of Historical Romance in Ming Dynasty

  15. 这一点影响了《三国演义》的人物形象塑造。

    This method affects the characterization in Romance of the Three Kingdoms .

  16. 巴塞罗那扩展区&政治与城市空间的演义

    Barcelona Eixample : A Drama of Politics and Urban Space

  17. 《三国演义》的现代传播

    Dissemination of the Romance of Three Kingdoms in Modern Society

  18. 电视展现出了这个演义节目的重大阵容。

    The TV show featured a great lineup of performers .

  19. 大多数孩子喜欢大自然真实的电影盛过喜欢演义的电影。

    Many children like animated movies better than live-action movies .

  20. 三国演义&我国海洋石油直升机服务业概况

    The General Situation of Helicopter Off-shore Oilfield Service in China

  21. 《三国演义》的人物塑造艺术

    Characterization art of " Romance of the Three Kingdoms "

  22. 历史演义小说人物性格特征的审美文化探因谈《分马》中老孙头的性格特征

    On the Characteristic Features of Old Man Sun in Dividing the Horses

  23. 反英雄:《三国演义》的当代性阐释

    " Antihero ": Modern Explanation of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  24. 世界名著封神演义大作。

    World famous work feng-shen-yan-yi does in a big way .

  25. 《封神演义》儒家革命思想新探

    Exploring Confucian Revolutionary Thoughts in Romance of Enfeoffment to Deities

  26. 《三国演义》人才思想管窥

    The Thoughts on the Talented Persons in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  27. 为了重振蒙古民族英勇、坚韧的民族精神,《青史演义》由此应运而生了。

    In order to arouse national spirit of Mongolians the Romance was created .

  28. 《三国演义》中的死亡描写艺术

    On the Description Art of Deaths in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  29. 《三国演义》是中国第一部完整的长篇历史小说。

    Romance of Three Kingdoms is the earliest complete historical novel in China .

  30. 《三国演义》的布局艺术表现为艺术调度的和谐性。

    The compositional art of Three Kingdoms represents the harmany of artistic control .