
bīn bái
  • spoken parts;spoken parts in traditional opera
宾白 [bīn bái]
  • [spoken parts in traditional opera] 指古代戏曲中的道白

宾白[bīn bái]
  1. 元杂剧用典现象非常突出,无论是宾白还是唱词都运用了大量典故。

    Yuan-zaju is extremely prominent with use of allusion whether in the spoken parts or song lyrics .

  2. 同时公案戏采用宾白和曲词叙事,体现出了戏曲文学叙事的特点。

    Meanwhile detective drama spoken parts and lyrics using narrative , reflecting the characteristics of literary narrative drama .

  3. 他对这个剧本的宾白特别感兴趣。

    He is very interested in the spoken parts of the drama script .

  4. 论元剧宾白之作者

    Authors of Spoken Parts in Yuan-Dynasty Drama

  5. 其三,元刊杂剧中宾白与曲文部分在助词使用上的差异,揭示了宾白口语性要强于曲文的事实;

    Thirdly , the difference of using of auxiliary words in dialogue and librettos reveals that the vulgar words in dialogue were more than in librettos .

  6. 元杂剧宾白中的内心独白又具有自我对话的性质,形成复调叙事的独特韵味,也更有艺术真实性。

    The monologue in the spoken parts of Yuan 's poetic drama bears the features of self dialogue and is the renarrration , which further shows the artistic authenticity .

  7. 但由于元杂剧一人主唱的体制限制了以宾白出场人物的叙述功能和地位,从而强化了主唱人(剧中主唱的人物)的叙述功能和地位,使得主唱人在剧中承担了主要的叙述任务。

    But , because the system of one chief singer sets limit upon the narrative function and status of the characters , the main task of narration is left to the chief singers whose function and status are thus enhanced .

  8. 本文拟调查元杂剧宾白中的上场诗和下场诗的数量、格律、类型,分析其特征,探求其源流,考察它在戏曲中的作用。

    The following text is a study of the entrance and exit poetry of Yuan Drama , which researches into the quantity , poetic theory and types of the entrance and exit poetry in Yuan Drama , analyzes characteristics , investigates the origin , considers its role of Yuan Drama .