
bīn hàn tǐ
  • Bingham body
宾汉体[bīn hàn tǐ]
  1. 用毛细管测定宾汉体的两个常数,即粘度系数K和屈服应力f时,方程是四次的,会有四组解答。

    Whn a capillary viscometer is used to measure the two constants of a Bingham body , the coefficient of viscosity K and the yield stress f , a quartic equation , is obtained and there are four solutions .

  2. 通过应力松弛试验,证实炭糊的力学类型属于宾汉体,并求出了相应的力学参数;

    By the mechanical behaviour in relaxation test , the carbon paste was verified to be a Bingham body and the corresponding mechanical parameters were thereby evaluated .

  3. 利用格子Boltzmann方法,将支沟中泥石流视为一种宾汉体,主河中清水视为一种外力,建立格子Boltzmann模型,对入汇角为90°的情况进行了模拟。

    On the assumption that the debris flow is the Bingham body and the water in primary river is a external force , the lattice Boltzmann model is set up .

  4. 结果分析显示:粘土膜的流变特性可以用宾汉体-开尔文体流变模型,亦即B-K模型表达;

    Test results show that rheological character of the bentonite film can be expressed as Bingham-Kelvin model or B-K niodel .

  5. 基于宾汉体浆液的海底隧道劈裂注浆机理研究

    Study on Fracture Grouting Mechanism in Subsea Tunnel Based on Bingham Fluids

  6. 宾汉体水流中泥沙起动机理

    Mechanism of initiation of sediment in Bingham fluid

  7. 推移质运动对清水和宾汉体泥浆湍流结构的影响

    Effects of Bed Load Motion on Turbulence Structure of Water Flow and Bingham Mud Flow

  8. 宾汉体在流动时候,离边壁远的地方经常会产生塞流现象。

    When Bingham fluid is in motion , plugged flow often occurs at places far from the boundary-walls .

  9. 宾汉体泥浆湍流的统计特征及脉动频谱分布宾汉体水流中泥沙起动机理

    Statistic properties and spectral density distribution of Bingham fluid in open channel flow Mechanism of initiation of sediment in Bingham fluid

  10. 流变模型可用粘塑性宾汉体的力学模式表述之。

    Finally , the paper shows that the rheology model con be stated in the form of the plastic-viscous Bingham body .

  11. 本文分析了圆管中宾汉浆体和伪塑性浆体与气体混合物的轴对称层流。

    In this paper , the axial symmetric laminar pipe flow of the mixtures of gas and Bingham / pseudoplastic slurries is analysed theoretically .

  12. 结果表明,似膏体料浆在较高浓度近似呈宾汉塑性体,在管道中的流态属于层流。

    The result shows that the rheological model of paste-like slurry is similar to that of Binhan and its flow state in pipeline transportation is of laminar flow type .