
  • 网络geomechanical model test
  1. 锚固边坡楔体稳定性地质力学模型试验研究

    Geomechanical model test research on stability of reinforced wedge-shaped rock slope

  2. 地质力学模型试验新技术研究进展及工程应用

    Research progress of geomechanical model test with new technology and its engineering application

  3. 拱坝坝肩稳定的三维地质力学模型试验研究岩石力学CT技术概述

    The Study on Experiments of a Geological Mechanics Model with Three Dimensions for the Stability of an Arch Abutment

  4. 右江百色RCC重力坝坝基稳定三维地质力学模型试验研究

    The Study on Experiments of a Three Dimensional Geological Mechanics Model for the Foundation Stability of Baise RCC Gravity Dam on the Right River

  5. 地质力学模型试验在高边坡研究中的应用

    Application of Geomechanical Model Tests to the Study of High Slopes

  6. 江口双曲拱坝整体稳定地质力学模型试验研究

    Geomechanical Model Stability Test for Jiangkou Double - Curved Arch Dam

  7. 大型地下水电站厂房洞群三维地质力学模型试验

    3-D geo-mechanical model test for large scaled underground hydropower station

  8. 拱坝坝肩岩体稳定地质力学模型试验

    A Research on Stability of an Arch Dam Abutments by Geomechanical Model Tests

  9. 薄基岩条带开采工程地质力学模型试验研究

    Experimental Research on Engineering Geological Mechanical Model of Strip Mining Below Thin Bedrocks

  10. 新型组合式三维地质力学模型试验台架装置的研制及应用

    Development and application of new type combination 3D geomechanical model test rack apparatus

  11. 复杂岩基上重力坝坝基稳定地质力学模型试验研究

    Geo-mechanical Model Test on Foundation Stability of Gravity Dam on Complex Rock Foundation

  12. 从四次地质力学模型试验看一座拱坝的上抬现象

    Raise phenomenon of an arch dam abutment judged by 4 geomechanics model tests

  13. 三维地质力学模型试验中光纤传感器的应用研究

    Application and consideration of using fiber-sensor measurement in a 3D geo-mechanical model test

  14. 三峡库区滑坡地质力学模型试验技术研究

    Study on geomechanics modeling technology for landslide in region of Three Gorges Reservoir

  15. 10.地质力学模型试验对比研究。

    Contrastive research of geomechanics model test .

  16. 新型地质力学模型试验相似材料的研制

    Development of a new geomechanical similar material

  17. 深部巷道围岩分区破裂三维地质力学模型试验研究

    Study of 3D geomechanical model test of zonal disintegration of surrounding rock of deep tunnel

  18. 三维地质力学模型试验新技术及其应用

    Development and application of new technology for 3D geo-mechanical model test of large underground group caverns

  19. 大型地下洞室群三维地质力学模型试验中隐蔽开挖模拟系统的研究和设计

    Design and Research on concealed excavation system for 3D geo-mechanical model test of large underground houses

  20. 地质力学模型试验是研究滑坡形成机制的重要手段之一。

    The test of geomechanical model is an important tool to study the formation mechanism of landslide .

  21. 同时,对拱坝地质力学模型试验技术及超载安全度进行了新的研究和探讨。

    Besides , geomechanical modeling technique and overload safety factor of arch dam are also studied and approached .

  22. 用地质力学模型试验方法,对顺层岩质边坡进行开挖破坏试验。

    This paper presents results of a physical model of geo-model material under multi-stage excavation of the slope .

  23. 最后,以工程为例说明地质力学模型试验在分岔隧道研究中的应用。

    Finally , an example is provided to illuminate the application of geomechanical model test in forked tunnel research .

  24. 多种量测方法的应用实现了真正意义上的连拱隧道三维地质力学模型试验应力及变形场的量测,取得了令人满意的效果。

    The deformation field of model test is measured really by using multi-measurement methods and the effect is satisfying .

  25. 情绪智力三维结构模型的验证与应用三向加载地质力学模型试验装置

    Validation and Application of Three Dimensional Model of Emotional Intelligence triaxial loading facility for geomechanical modelling of underground structure

  26. 地质力学模型试验,是数值方法之外的岩体工程稳定性分析的另一种重要研究手段。

    As an important research method , Geo-mechanical model test is used to analyze the stability of the Rock Engineering .

  27. 本文介绍了国内某拱坝基础未加处理时的整体抗滑稳定三维小块体拼砌的地质力学模型试验研究情况。

    This paper describes a test results on stability of a gravity-arch dam and its abutments by geomechanical model test .

  28. 采用地质力学模型试验进行研究分析,以验证与评价锦屏高拱坝的整体稳定安全性,具有十分重要的意义。

    That geomechanical model is applied to estimate and validate entire stability of Jingping High Arch Dam has a very important signification .

  29. 在保证大坝稳定设计时,除了数值模拟方法外,对高坝还应当进行地质力学模型试验。

    Numerical analysis is needed for dam stability and except this , model tests are more important for evaluation of dam stability .

  30. 介绍了牛头山双曲拱坝三维地质力学模型试验,包括模型设计、模型制作、加荷和量测等。

    The3D geomechanical model test for the Niutoushan double curvature arch dam is described , including model design , preparation , loading and measuring .