
  • 网络observation station of surface movement
  1. GPS准动态测量在地表移动观测站中的应用

    Application of GPS Quasi-kinetic Surveying in Observation Station of Surface Movement

  2. 地表移动观测站是获得煤矿开采沉陷参数的重要依据。

    The observation station of surface movement is the important basis of acquiring the parameters of coal mining subsidences .

  3. 基于GPS技术的首采面地表移动观测站数据处理

    Data processing of land surface movement observation station of first mining face based on GPS

  4. GPS技术在矿区地表移动观测站建立中的应用甚高频空间对地球遥测技术

    GPS Technology in Mining Area of Surface Observation Stations Set up Mobile Application vehicle-to-ground VHF telemetry

  5. 为了提高生产效率和减少观测中的劳动强度,在试验的基础上提出用GPS准动态测量方法取代传统的地表移动观测站观测方法,取得了一定的成效。

    In order to increase efficiency of production and decrease labour intensity in observation , replacing the traditional method of observation station of surface movement by GPS quasi-kinetic surveying method is presented on the basis of the experiment , which has obtained a definite results .

  6. 以此为基础,导出了地表移动观测站的合理点间距r·其值为H(5t),获得了以离散的地表移动观测值或预计值,恢复其连续性的地表移动变形值的计算公式。

    Based on the sampling theorem , the reasonable distances between two Doints of observation station of ground movement are induced , and the formulae for calculating the continuous movement and deformation are gained on the basis of those dispersed points on ground surface .

  7. 地表移动观测站数据处理方法探讨

    Data Procession Methods Discussion of Land Surface Movement Observation Station

  8. 地表移动观测站布设及数据处理方法简析

    Analysis of the surface movement survey station layouts and the data processing methods

  9. 矿山地表移动观测站工作基点的最佳点位设计

    Optimun position design of working datum mark observational stations for mine ground movement

  10. 综放开采地表移动观测站数据处理系统

    Data Processing System of Surface Move Observation Station

  11. 在矿区建立地表移动观测站进行实地观测,是获取开采沉陷规律的有效方法。

    Field observation which is implemented through establishing observation stations is one of the most important and effective methods to get surface movement and deformation rules .

  12. 该矿通过建立地表移动观测站及现场观测,对地表移动变形规律及有关参数进行了研究,并分析了该区域地表移动和变形规律的特殊性及其形成原。

    On the basis of setting up the ground surface movement surveying station and field observation , the observed data of the surveying station in Yungaishan colliery are analysed and calculated .

  13. 以此方法和国内135个地表移动观测站的实际资料为基础,将全国开采沉陷相似现象群近似分为三个大类,第二大类又可以分为6个小类。

    According to the methods and practical data from 135 monitoring ground movement stations in mining field , the resembling phenomena clusters on mining subsidence of the whole country can be approximately classified into three major sorts , and the second is further classified into six sorts .

  14. 本文将卡尔曼滤波理论运用于采动过程地表移动变形预报,通过建立矿山地表移动的卡尔曼滤波模型,对地表移动观测站多期的观测数据进行滤波估计,进而对观测站的状态进行动态预报。

    This paper uses it to predict the movement and deformation during mining . With building the model of Kalman filtering we can filter and estimate observation data and then dynamic predict the situation of surface move observation station .