
  1. 网络成瘾症(IAD)诊断标准的发展性研究

    The Developmental Study of the IAD Diagnostic Criterion

  2. 网络成瘾症的理论模型、测量工具及其心理干预

    Theoretical model , measure scale and psychological intervention of internet addiction

  3. 大学生网络成瘾症的成因及其对策思考

    Reasons for University Students ′ Addiction to the Internet and its Countermeasures

  4. 网络成瘾症、青少年犯罪等均与不当的闲暇活动有关。

    Both net-addiction and juvenile delinquency are related with improper leisure time activities .

  5. 网络成瘾症对军校学员心理的影响及对策

    Influence of " Internet Addiction " on Cadets ' Psychology and Its Countermeasures

  6. 中学生网络成瘾症的综合干预

    Comprehensive Intervention on Internet Addiction of Middle School Students

  7. 大学生网络成瘾症原因、可自愈性特点分析及防治对策

    An Analysis of the Causes and Cures for College Students ' Internet Addiction Disorder

  8. 网络成瘾症的基本特征和防治对策对国外网络成瘾失调症研究的略述

    Characteristics of Internet Addiction and Countermeasures A Summarization on The Overseas Research on Internet Addiction Disorder

  9. 目的:评价2/100Hz经皮穴位电刺激对青少年网络成瘾症的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of 2 / 100 Hz HANS on adolescents with Internet addiction ( IA ) .

  10. 随着电脑的普及,一类新生的心理疾病&网络成瘾症日益引起人们的关注。

    With the universality of the computer , a new mental disease - " Internet Addiction Disorder " caused attention of all society increasingly .

  11. 卑尔根大学的科学家认为人们的工作成瘾症日益严重,因为家庭和办公室的界限越来越模糊。

    The Bergen scientists believe work addiction is getting worse , not better , because the boundaries between home and office are getting blurred .

  12. 简要回顾了网络成瘾症的概念、症状、诊断标准、分类和病因研究现状;

    First , the basic theory of IAD was concluded from literatures , which including definition , symptoms , diagnostic criteria , classification and pathogenesis .

  13. 因过度上网而产生的网络成瘾症给大学生带来诸多的问题和困惑,严重影响他们学业和身心的健康成长。

    It brings many problems and puzzlements because of excessively access to the network and seriously affects the health of university students ' body and mind .

  14. 除工作学习外,每天上网时间超过6个小时、无法上网时会出现不适反应被视为网络成瘾症的两个主要病征。

    Lingering online for more than six hours a day instead of working or studying and having adverse reactions from not being able to get online have been identified as two major symptoms of IAD .

  15. 本文论述了网络成瘾症的内涵及网络成瘾症的危害,分析了大学生患上网络成瘾症的原因,并提出了预防和减少网络成瘾症的对策。

    The article discusses the connotation and the harm of the internet addiction , analyses the reasons for the University studnts ′ addiction to it , and puts forward some countermeasures to prevent or diminish the addiction .

  16. 如何能成功矫正中学生网络成瘾症,充分发挥网络对中学生身心健康及发展的作用,积极探索出行之有效的科学方法。

    How can succeed in , correct middle school student 's network succeed addiction disease , fully give play to the role of development physically and mentally healthy to the middle school student of network , explore the effectual scientific method actively .

  17. 网络是一柄双刃剑,网络的负面效应危害着社会和谐,诸如网络非道德化倾向成为滋生网络违法犯罪的温床,网络成瘾症阻碍人的发展,网络犯罪是社会和谐的大敌等。

    The net is a " double-edged sword ", for its negative effect endangers the harmony of society , for instance , the tendency of net immoralization helps the appearance of net crimes , net-addiction hinders personal development and net crime is becoming a major enemy of the society , etc.