
  • 网络blood component
  1. 一种新的成分血&冷上清的开发与应用

    The Development and Application of a New Blood Component & the Cold Supernatant

  2. 这些工作应该成为每个胸心外科医师的典范,也应成为各机构处理稀有而珍贵的成分血资源的指导。

    This work should serve as a template for individual cardiothoracic surgeons and for institutions as they manage valuable and scarce blood component resources .

  3. 采用ELISA双抗夹心法定量检测60例正常广东人血清中SHLAI水平和20例献血员成分血中SHLAI含量。

    SHLA-I level in sera of 60 Guangdong normal individuals and sHLA-I concentration in blood components from 20 donors quantitatively were detected by sandwich ELISA . The results showed that sensitivity of this assay was 2.84 ng / ml.

  4. 贮存28天的RBC和随机供者血小板的SHLAI的浓度明显高于其它成分血,并且与成分血中残存的白细胞数和贮存时间有关。

    SHLA-I in red blood cells stored for 28 days and in random-donor platelets were significantly higher than that in other blood components and their amount was proportionate to the number of residual donor leukocytes and to the length of storage .

  5. 每天成千上万的成分血被输入病患。

    Every day thousands of blood components are transfused to patients .

  6. 输注全血和成分血在冠状动脉搭桥术中的疗效比较

    Effects of Whole Blood and Blood Components Therapy in Coronary Artery Bridges Operation

  7. 血液病急诊患者输注成分血的护理风险管理

    The nursing risk management of blood components transfusion for emergency patients with hemopathy

  8. 目的了解成分血联合输注抢救交通伤的疗效观察。

    Objective Understanding ingredient blood of feeding in unite rescuing traffic incidents curative effect observing .

  9. 需要输血的病人应当向他们的医生咨询关于去白细胞成分血的使用问题。

    Patients requiring transfusion should ask their physician about the use of leukoreduced blood components .

  10. 目的研究口服抗生素药物对中药有效成分血药浓度的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To study the influence of oral antibiotics on the scutellarin plasma concentration in rats .

  11. 结论:在红细胞成分血中加入一定量的血浆可能有利于红细胞的长期保存。

    In conclusion , human plasma may be in favour of the preservation of red blood cells .

  12. 结论:成分血制备人员能通过有效的防护措施减少甚至避免职业危害的。

    Conclusion : component preparation personnel can through blood effective protective measures to reduce or avoid the occupational hazards .

  13. 结果:运用有效的护理风险管理方法,对2006年1~6月份急诊481位不同年龄,不同类型血液病患者1354例次输注成分血实施护理风险管理,未发生护理风险事件。

    Results : By using effective nursing risk management , 481 patients with various blood diseases received 1354 blood components transfusions with no risk events .

  14. 目的:提高护理人员风险管理意识,降低血液病急诊患者输注成分血的护理风险。

    Objective : To increase the risk awareness of the nurses and decrease the nursing risk of blood components transfusion for emergency patients with hemopathy .

  15. 方法:总结平日经验及相关文献,针对成分血制备工作中常见的危害因素提出相应的防护措施。

    Methods : to sum up the experience on weekdays , and relevant documents for component blood common preparation the hazard factors corresponding prevention measures .

  16. 结果成分血使用率97.07%,超过三甲医院成分输血的国家标准,与先进国家相当;

    Results The use ratio of component blood transfusion was 97.07 % , meanwhile this ratio surpassed the government standard of component blood transfusion for class 3 grade 1 hospital and was corresponding to that of developed countries .

  17. 抗癫痫中药制剂所含西药成分的血浓度测定

    Determination of blood concentrations of western medicine compositions contained in traditional Chinese antiepileptic preparations

  18. 这些食物含有血的成分和血,有丰富的营养,而且它们的体积很适合大部分的珊瑚食用。

    These foods contain blood components and blood , which are rich in nutrients , and are of a size easily taken up by many corals .

  19. 方法:本研究以湖北武汉职业足球俱乐部一队18名队员为研究对象,测定联赛前和联赛中期血液有形成分和血尿素指标;

    Methods : The research took 18 soccer players of the HuBei Wuhan occupation football club as research objects and determined their blood cell components and blood urea before the match and also 6 weeks later .

  20. 目的研究黄芪丹参复方成分提高胎盘血供的分子机制,为临床有效防治胎盘血供不足所致妊娠并发症提供思路。

    Objective To find new effective prevention and treatment of pregnant complications induced by placental blood supply insufficiency , the molecular mechanism of the components of Mongolian milkvetch root-Dan-shen root compound that enhanced placental blood supply was studied .

  21. 铁-是血红蛋白地组成成分之一,是血红细胞地首要成分。

    Iron-is a component of haemoglobin , an essential component of red blood cells .

  22. 结论非溶血性输血反应与性别、输血次数、血成分制品及受血者过敏体质等有关。

    Conclusions The non-hemolytic transfusion reactions was related with sex ? numbers of transfusion ? blood products and the allergic constitutions of recipient .

  23. 足球运动员最大有氧耐力受肺泡通气量、血液成分、心脏射血及抗疲劳和肌肉氧利用能力的影响。

    Maximal aerobic capacity of soccer players is influenced by alveolar ventilation , blood compounds , heart ejection and its anti_fatigue and oxygen consumption in muscle .

  24. 采用大鼠在体单向灌流模型,研究灌流液中补骨脂提取物主要成分减少情况,以及各成分入血情况。

    A rat situ single pass perfusion model was established to clarify the psoralen reduction in perfusion fluid and infiltration of each ingredient into the blood .

  25. 目的通过分析肝移植手术各种成分血液的用量,更好地为临床保障供应所需各种成分血。

    Objective To better provide various blood ingredients for the patients receiving liver transplantation by analysing a-mount of ingredient blood transfusion .