
  • 网络finished product minerals
  1. 在加固铜绿山矿成品矿仓的施工中,原用弧形模进行混凝土浇灌。

    In the construction for consolidating finished products pocket in Tonglushan Mine , Primary the arcuate shuttering was used to placing concrete .

  2. 低硅烧结可明显提高成品矿的含铁品位、显著改善烧结矿的还原性、降低吨铁渣量,从而降低产品成本,提高企业的经济效益。

    E low silica sintering can remarkably increase TFe and reduce oxides of the sinter and reduce the slag volume , consequently reduce the cost of product and increase the economic results of company .

  3. 中国大部分铁矿石生产企业是钢铁企业的下属企业,矿山生产的成品矿直接进入钢铁企业使用,二者之间的交易是内部核算,与市场基本上没有联系,在市场上直接交易的矿石量有限。

    That is in most cases an iron ore production enterprise belongs to a steel enterprise . Ore products enter directly into the latter . Trade between them is an inner deal without almost any connection with market . So the directly traded amount of iron ore is limited .

  4. 成品球团矿抗压强度大于2480N/个,ISO转鼓大于97%,耐磨指数小于2%。

    The compression strength of the finished pellets was in excess of 2480 N / P , the ISO tumbling index over 97 % and the abrasion index less than 2 % .

  5. 对酒钢3号烧结机,在酸性小球团烧结矿生产实践过程中所暴露出的烧结负压过高、利用系数低及成品烧结矿中小粒级(5~10mm)含量高等问题进行了分析。

    The problems of too higher sintering suction , lower productivity and higher content of small size fractions ( 5 ~ 10mm ) in product sinters , that reflected during Jiu Quan I & S Co. ,№ 3 sinter plant operations for acid MPS production , were analyzed .

  6. 但是,随着巴西富矿粉配比的增加,成品烧结矿低温还原粉化强度(+3.15mm)下降。

    But with the rich ore ratio from Brazil increasing , the low temperature reduction degradation strength ( + 3.15mm ) of sinter reduces .

  7. 但成品烧结矿粉末含量少,对高炉有力,冷返矿参加配料,可稳定烧结操作。

    But the finished sinter powder content of less powerful of the blast furnace , cold back to mine to participate in ingredients , can be stable sintering operation .

  8. 钢厂炼钢生产线中大型烧结机的任务是向炼铁高炉提供成分和力度都合格的成品烧结矿,供给高炉冶炼铁水用。

    The duty of sintering machine in the production line of steel mill is to provide end product of firing mine , which is used for steel making of Blast furnaces .

  9. 布料质量直接影响着料面点火情况、煤气消耗和固体燃耗,影响着成品烧结矿的质量。

    Distributing quality will effect directly allumage condition ; of charge level , consumption of coal gas and burn-up of solid , and will effect the quality of finished sintering ore product .

  10. 在实验室小球团烧结研究的基础上,取配碳量为4.0%,焦粉分加比例为5∶5时成品烧结矿上部的单体球进行残碳量分析。

    On the basis of studying the MPS process , the content of residual carbon in the MPS , which the carbon proportioning rate is 4.0 % and the ratio of separate addition of coke is 5 ∶ 5 , had been measured by the experiment of carbon combustion .