
  • 网络Quarterly pricing;Quarter pricing
  1. 必和必拓根据现货价格提供季度定价系统,力拓说也要紧随其后。

    BHP is offering a quarterly pricing system based on spot prices and Rio says that it could do something similar .

  2. 在过去一年中,由于定价政策由年度定价变成了季度定价,矿商们已将现货价格涨幅中的30%收入囊中。

    Miners ' move from an annual to a quarterly pricing policy has helped them to lock in a 30 per cent spot price rise over the past year .

  3. 另一矿石巨头巴西淡水河谷也曾多次表示支持季度定价,不过其目前还没有最新表态。

    Vale , the world 's largest iron ore supplier , has expressed support for a quarterly contract , but has not yet made detailed remarks on the issue .

  4. 3月份,转折点到来:淡水河谷与必和必拓与中日钢铁生产商达成了一项协议,转而采用与铁矿石现货价格挂钩的季度定价。

    In March , the breakthrough came : vale and BHP struck a deal with Japanese and Chinese steelmakers to move to quarterly pricing linked to the spot iron ore price .

  5. 日本钢铁企业昨日表示,尽管他们赞同韩国同行的意见,即矿石价格暴涨、同时转向季度定价是不可取的,但提出反垄断控诉会妨碍与矿石供应商展开协同谈判。

    Japanese steelmakers said yesterday that while they agreed with their South Korean counterparts that the sharp price increases and switch to quarterly pricing were undesirable , lodging anti-trust complaints would prevent co-ordinated negotiations with ore suppliers .

  6. 钢铁业同意采用与新兴的铁矿石现货市场挂钩的季度合约定价机制。

    The industry instead agreed to move to quarterly contracts linked to the nascent iron ore spot market .

  7. 今年7月至9月的第三季度,与现货市场挂钩的新季度定价机制将首次触发涨价。

    The rises , which cover the July-September period , will be the first triggered by the new quarterly pricing system linked to the spot market .