
  • 网络cold deformation;cold flow;cold working;cold forming
  1. 横膈膜会永久性的翻转,人造橡胶阀杆尖端会冷变形到阀门的喉管处。

    The diaphragms may become permanently inverted and the elastomeric stem tip can cold flow down the throat of the valve .

  2. 结果表明,该合金具有中等强度、较好的冷变形能力和焊接性能,是一种适合于进行冷变型加工的α型钛合金。

    The results show the alloy possesses a middle tensile strength , good cold working and welding properties .

  3. 冷变形Cu基弹性合金的疲劳研究

    The Study of Fatigue Properties of Cold-Rolled Cu-Base Elastic Alloys

  4. 微量Zr对Cu-Zn-Al合金冷变形能力的影响

    Effect of Zr Addition on the Cold Deformability in a Cu-Zn-Al alloy

  5. 冷变形和时效温度对扭振时恒弹性合金fs-T曲线的影响

    Effects of Cold-Rolling Reduction and Ageing Temperature on the Resonant Frequency-Temperature Curve of Constant Elastic Alloy

  6. 冷变形对简化工艺制备Cu-Al2O3复合材料组织和性能的影响

    Effect of Cold Deformation on Structure and Properties of Cu-Al_2O_3 Composite Prepared by Simplified Technique

  7. 利用显微硬度法,结合时效过程中组织的变化规律,研究了CuNiSiCr合金在不同冷变形量下的加工硬化效应及其对合金组织性能的影响。

    Effects of cold hardening on the aged microstructure and property of Cu-Ni-Si-Cr alloy with different cold deformation rate was studied by means of micro-hardness measurement .

  8. 高氮奥氏体不锈钢与316L不锈钢的冷变形行为研究

    Study of cold deformation behaviors of a high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel and 316L stainless steel

  9. 冷变形处理对材料HIC的敏感性影响不明显。

    The cool flattening does not affect HIC sensitivity .

  10. 热处理和冷变形对Ti-Ni合金非线性超弹性的影响

    The Effect of Heat-treatment and Cold Deformation on Non-linear Superelasticity of Ti-Ni Alloy

  11. 双轴加载下冷变形Zr-4合金的循环变形行为及其微观机理

    Cyclic deformation behavior and microscopic mechanism of cold-worked Zr-4 alloy under biaxial loading

  12. 结果表明:磁饱和状态Q值最高,退磁状态Q值居中,剩磁状态Q值最低,Q值随冷变形量增加而升高。

    The results show that Q value is highest in magnetic saturation state , medium in demagnetization and lowest in remanence . Also , Q value increases with the cold-forming deformation .

  13. 用TEM、电阻、力学性能试验等方法研究了固溶后的冷变形对6082铝合金时效析出过程的影响。

    The effect of cold deformation on the aging precipitation of the solution-treated 6082 Al-Mg-Si alloy was investigated by the methods of TEM , electric resistance , mechanical properties tests .

  14. 分析了冷变形量和时效温度与时间等工艺参数对CuNiSi合金显微硬度和导电率的影响,同时研究了该合金的析出物结构。

    The effects of the cold rolling deformation and the aging temperature and time on microhardness and electric conductivity of Cu Ni Si alloy were studied and the construction of its precipitate was investigated .

  15. 冷变形对2Cr(19)Ni9Mo钢组织与性能的影响

    Effect of Cold Deformation on Structure and Properties of 2 Cr 1 9 Ni 9 Mo Steel

  16. 通过固溶时效处理,研究冷变形、时效温度等因素对微合金元素V,Ti,Nb的碳氮化物沉淀析出行为和组织演变过程的影响。

    This paper studies the effect of such factors as cold-deformation and aging on carbonitride precipitation and structural evolution in microalloyed steels bearing V , Ti and Nb by the solution ageing treatment .

  17. PLLA呈现冷变形成型的形状记忆效应,随着变形温度的升高,形状恢复率下降。

    The PLLA shows the cold deformation shape memory effect . With the deformation temperature increasing , the shape recovery rate decreases .

  18. 通过拉伸试验、金相观察、X射线衍射以及TEM观察,研究了7055铝合金固溶处理后,经不同程度冷变形和时效后的力学性能和电导率的变化以及相应的微观组织变化特点。

    The mechanical properties , electrical conductivity and microstructures of 7055 aluminum alloy in various cold rolling reductions and tempers were investigated on the basis of tensile test , optical microscopy , X-ray diffraction and TEM .

  19. 研究表明,冷变形35%的合金经过630℃×1h退火后具有良好的冷加工性能。

    It was found that this alloy possesses good cold formability after annealing at 630 ℃ for 1h and cooling in furnace when its cold-rolling reduction is 35 % .

  20. 冷变形对18Ni(350)磁滞性能的影响

    Effect of cold-rolling on hysteresis properties of 18ni ( 350 ) maraging steel

  21. 结果表明,冷变形可加速时效过程和提高时效效果,在500℃时效1h可使合金获得较佳综合性能。

    The results show that cold rolling will accelerate the aging process and enhance aging effect . The alloy reaches excellent comprehensive property when aging for 1h at 500 ℃ .

  22. 研究了预冷变形对Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金显微组织和力学性能的影响。

    The effect of cold pre-deformation on Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr alloy 's microstructure and mechanical property has been studied .

  23. 研究发现,PLLA均聚物具有形状记忆效应,其中PLLA结晶相做为固定相,无定型相做为可逆相;PLLA呈现冷变形成型的形状记忆效应,随着变形温度的升高,形状恢复率下降。

    The PLLA crystal serves as fixed phase , the amorphous acts as reversible phase . The PLLA shows the cold deformation shape memory effect .

  24. Cu-Zr和Cu-Zr-Si的时效析出特性及冷变形对时效析出的影响

    Aging precipitation of Cu-Zr and cu-zr-si alloys and affected by cold working

  25. 本文系统地研究了Pd-,Cu-,Ni-和Fe-基非晶态合金在拉伸过程中的电阻变化以及成分、冷变形和热处理对电阻应变系数k的影响。

    The change in electrical resistance of Pd - , Cu - , Ni - and Fe-base metallic glasses in tensile process and the effect of composition , cold deformation and heat treatment on the strain coefficient of resistance k , have been investigated .

  26. 结果表明,最佳形变热处理工艺为980℃固溶1h,冰盐水淬火,40%预冷变形之后480℃时效4h。

    The results show that the optimum processing is that solution at 980 for 1 h , ice salt water quenching , 40 % pre-cold rolling then aged at 480 for 4 h.

  27. 304不锈钢经冷变形后TTS曲线的IGC发生区向低温和长时间敏化侧移动。

    After cold deformation , T T S curve and IGC generation area of 304 stainless steel move toward low temperature and long time sensitization side .

  28. 预冷变形对Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金性能的影响

    The Effect of Cold Pre - deformation on the Properties of Al - Li - Cu - Mg - Zr Alloy

  29. 对冷变形800M合金管热处理,随温度的升高,晶粒逐渐等轴化并变大,延伸率增大,屈服强度、抗拉强度和残余拉应力和SCC敏感性降低。

    With increasing temperature of heat treatment on alloy 800M after cold work , grains became bigger , ductility increased but strength , residential stress and susceptibility to SCC decreased .

  30. 结果表明,冷变形与时效热处理均能有效提高CuCrZr合金的硬度,固溶处理的CuCrZr合金冷变形后再经时效处理,叠加效果更加显著。

    The results show that the hardness of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy can be increased by the cold deformation and the ageing heat treatment , respectively , and the comprehensive result of ageing treatment after cold deformation for the Cu-Cr-Zr alloy is more remarkable .