
  • Cooling flue;【建】colling stack
  1. 提高转炉汽化冷却烟道使用寿命的实践

    Practice to prolong the working life of VAPORIZATION-COOLING chimney of converter

  2. 转炉汽化冷却烟道烟罩的改造设计

    Improving design of vaporizing cooling flue and cover of converter

  3. 炼钢厂汽化冷却烟道维护设备的设计

    Design of device for maintaining cooling flue system of steelworks

  4. 炼钢转炉汽化冷却烟道结构设计中几个应注意的问题

    Notable Problems in Structure Design of Vapourization Cooling Flues of Steelmaking Revolvers

  5. 转炉冷却烟道泄漏故障分析

    Analysis of Leakage Failure of Converter Cooling Air Flue

  6. 转炉汽化冷却烟道制造焊接工艺方案及实施

    Discussion on Welding Process of Converter Evaporated Flue

  7. 氧气顶吹转炉热水冷却烟道堵塞原因分析及防范对策

    Blocking Causes Analysis of Cooling Flue for Hot Water of Oxygen Top-blown Converter and the Preventive Countermeasures

  8. 利用高效热管,将转炉汽化冷却烟道出口烟气从较高的温度冷却到200℃以下,然后经布袋除尘排入大气。

    A high efficiency heat pipe was used to lower the fume temperature below 200 ℃ at the outlet of the vapourizing and cooling flue of the converter . The fume was dusted through a bag filter and then discharged to atmosphere .

  9. 转炉汽化冷却烟道内高温烟气的流动和传热十分复杂,并伴有燃烧及传质过程,准确掌握其热力性能对于转炉高温炉气余热回收设备的优化设计和安全运行具有重要意义。

    The combustion , mass and heat transfer process of the flue gas in evaporative cooling flue was very complicated . And it was of significance in optimizing the waste heat recovering equipment by mastering the thermal performance of the flue gas accurately .