
chāi huì
  • missionary society
差会[chāi huì]
  1. 芬兰差会灵爱青年中心

    Finnish Missionary Society Ling Oi Youth Centre

  2. 如果不这样做,巨大的压差会将门窗都关死。到那时你只能等到车里完全充满了水才能逃出来。

    If you don 't do this , the pressure differential is too great and it will keep everything shut and you have to wait until your car is completely filled with water in order to get out .

  3. 实验研究主要应用LMS算法进行,直接采用LMS算法时,初级声源和次级声源间较大的相位差会严重影响消声量。

    The experimental study is based on LMS and the experimental data showed that major phase difference existing between the two acoustic sources would affect noise reduction seriously .

  4. 特立独行的性格使他与差会的关系陷于尴尬;

    His unique and independent character prevented him from building harmonious relations with other missionaries .

  5. 伯恩:质量差会迫使服装削价出售或根本无法销售。

    Inferior quality will force the garments to sell at a discount or to become completely unsalable .

  6. 她曾被人诬告,因而被差会召回英国,后来蒙主表白。

    She was accused falsely , called back to England , and later vindicated by the Lord .

  7. 由于历史的原因,岭南大学从创办伊始即为外国差会所有。

    Because of historical reasons , from the founding of it , Lingnan University was possessed by foreign churches .

  8. 超静定结构中的这种轴向变形差会引起结构的内力重分布,对结构的受力性能将产生一定的影响。

    The axial deformation difference between columns and walls in frame-tube is obviouser than other constructions , Because of the constructions stress'character .

  9. 但若组合里只有股票和债券,我的标准差会高得多。

    But if I would confine myself just to stocks and bonds , then I would get a much higher standard deviation .

  10. 涂层与基体表面的温度差会使涂层产生收缩应力,引起涂层开裂和剥落。

    Coating and the substrate surface temperature of the coating would have a bad contraction stress , caused by cracking and peeling off the coating .

  11. 齐鲁大学是近代西方基督教差会在山东创办的一所教会大学,也是中国近代社会具有代表性的一所教会大学。

    Cheeloo University is a Christian University founded by the modern west Christianity mission in Shandong , and is also of representation in Chinese modern society .

  12. 质量偏心与转子弯曲的相位差会影响耦合区的大小及耦合区内的耦合振动;

    The phase difference of mass unbalance and bend of rotor will affect the size of coupling zone and the coupling vibration in two coupling zones .

  13. 最终证明彗差会造成谱形失称,明显降低耦合效率;而球差则会明显地增加串扰。

    It is shown that the symmetry of the spectral response and the coupling efficiency will be deteriorated when the coma appears during the diffraction and imaging .

  14. 单脉冲跟踪系统中,其相位差会因多种原因发生变化,从而对整个跟踪系统的跟踪精度和稳定性造成影响。

    Phase difference of the tracking system can be influenced by a variety of factors , which sequentially influence the accuracy and stability of the whole tracking system .

  15. 研究表明内外水相间的渗透压差会引起水在两相间的扩散,并且同时促进了聚并的发生,显著地影响多重乳液的形貌和稳定性,所以有必要对渗透压下的水扩散进行控制。

    Experimental studies indicate that the coalescence under osmotic pressure is obvious and the control of water transport is needed so as to keep the stability of multiple emulsions .

  16. 同时,随着运行时间的延长,滤网的压差会越来越大,将会降低燃气轮机的效率和功率。

    But with the increment of operating time , the pressure drop of filtration will increase as well , which will reduce the power output and efficiency of gas turbines .

  17. 未来水分亏缺状况会加剧,尤其是生长季的降蒸差会更大,水分亏缺仍然是限制农业生产的主要因素。

    Meanwhile precipitation has a decreasing tendency , water shortage will be more severe in future , especially in growing season , water shortage will still be the main factor to restrict the agricultural production .

  18. 鸦片战争后,美国荷兰归正会、英国长老会和伦敦会等西方差会进入厦门,开启了近代闽南基督教会一百多年的发展诗篇。

    After the First Opium War in 1840 , the Dutch Reformed Church , the English Presbyterian Church and the London Missionary Society entered Xiamen , which started the over one-hundred-year history of Christianity of Modern Minnan .

  19. 既然我们看到的大部分双星系统都是从侧面或者倾斜的角度,轨道的近点和远地之间的时间差会干扰信号,使其更难从背景中分辨出来。

    Since we see most binary systems from the side or inclined , the time-delay between the near and far points of the orbit smears out the signal making it harder to distinguish it from the noise .

  20. 发动机的密封性能差会引起漏水、漏油和漏气现象,不仅会引起发动机动力损失、功率下降、使用寿命降低,还会导致污染环境、能源浪费。

    The engine sealing performance is poor will cause to leak water 、 oil and gas , which not only can cause loss of engine power , service life reduced , but also cause pollution , energy waste .

  21. 在霞浦负责传教的差会包括英国圣公会下属的英国布道会和都柏林大学福建布道会,后者相对于前者所发挥的作用更大。

    Church Missionary Society and Dublin University Fukien Mission which are the subordinate societies of the Anglican Church of England were responsible for the missionary in Xiapu , the latter play a more important role than the former .

  22. 然而,在过去几十年的大部分时间里,投资者一直把下面这句话视作一条关键的真理:大多数西方主权债券事实上是零风险的,因此它们的息差会窄到相对而言可忽略不计。

    After all , during most of the past few decades , it has been taken as a key axiom of investing that most Western sovereign debt was in effect risk-free , and thus expected to trade at relatively undifferentiated tight spreads .

  23. 随着传教活动的深入,传教政策的调整,各差会积极发展出版事业,宣教读物之外各类书籍的出版发行,推动了福建的西学东渐,促进了中西文化的交流。

    With the development of the missionary activities and the adjustment of the missionary policy , missions actively promoted book industry , published various kinds of books , brought western culture to Fujian and encouraged the culture communication between China and Western countries .

  24. 在高层建筑结构中,由于轴压比限值不同,柱和剪力墙的轴向变形值必然产生差异,加上混凝土收缩徐变的影响,随着结构层数的增加,其轴向变形差会逐渐增大。

    Because the limite on axial compression ratio of column and wall are different , the axial deformation of them must be different in tall-building construction . When consider the creep and shrinkage of concrete , with the level number increasing , the difference of axial deformation will be enlarging .

  25. 为了阻止经JPEG压缩后加水印图像在嵌入水印时建立的局部能量差可能会被擦除,在保证视觉质量不受影响的情况下,适当地增加子区A或B的能量。

    After JPEG compression on the image embedded watermark , the energy difference which have been created while watermark was embedded could be erased .

  26. 在衰退时期,信贷息差通常会随着借方质素恶化而扩大。

    Credit spreads normally rise during recessions as borrower quality deteriorates .

  27. 过分拥挤、个人卫生欠佳以及卫生设施差都会加剧疾病的传播;

    Overcrowding , poor personal hygiene and poor sanitation facilitate the spread of the disease .

  28. 多烯抗生素溶解性能差,会发生聚合现象。

    The solubility of polyene macrolides is very poor , and the aggregation may occur .

  29. 2010年发布的一项研究也指出,口腔卫生差也会造成其他问题,比如心脏病发作和中风。

    A 2010 study found poor oral hygiene is linked to an increased risk of other conditions such as heart attacks or strokes .

  30. 红壤团聚体的稳定性和结构性变差,会加速土壤侵蚀,表现出酸雨对红壤的可蚀性。

    The stability and structure of soil aggregate getting bad , which can accelerate soil erosion , shows that acid rain has soil erodibility .