
  • 网络Differential protection;PDIF
  1. 变压器差动保护CT二次接线分析

    Analysis of Secondary Terminal in CT Used for Transformer Differential Protection

  2. 变压器差动保护CT接线方式的探讨

    Discussion on Wiring Schemes of CTs for Transformer Differential Protection

  3. 基于多Agent技术的分相电流差动保护方案

    Split-hase current differential protection schemes based on multi-agent technology

  4. 线路电流差动保护自适应CT变比的方法

    A method of CT ratio self-adaptation of line differential protection

  5. 一起由于CT饱和造成主变差动保护误动作的故障分析

    Failure Analysis on False-actions of Differential Protection Main Transformer for CT Saturation

  6. Y,y变压器差动保护CT接线分析及测试

    Analysis and measuring to CT wiring of Y , y transformer differential protection

  7. P级TA饱和对数字式比率制动特性差动保护的影响

    Impaction of P-type CT saturation on digital ratio-restrained differential protection

  8. 基于MATLAB的变压器微机差动保护的仿真分析

    Analysis and Simulation of the Microprocessor-based Differential Protection for Transformer Based on MATLAB

  9. 基于DSP与单片机双CPU变压器差动保护

    Dual-CPU transformer differential protection based on DSP and SCM

  10. 一种新型的微机变压器差动保护CT二次回路断线判别原理

    A new detecting method of break in secondary circuit of current transformer in micro-based differential protection of power transformer

  11. 变压器波形对称原理差动保护不对称度K的分析和整定

    Analysis and setting of a symmetry degree k of transformer differential protection based on symmetry principle of current waveforms

  12. 外部短路时,由于电流互感器(CT)饱和所引起的暂态不平衡电流造成的变压器差动保护误动作,一直是变压器差动保护中的一大技术难题。

    The misoperation of transformer differential protection caused by transient unbalanced current resulted from saturation of CT is still a difficult technical problem .

  13. 而高斜率段可防止在外部穿越性故障情况下,由于TA饱和引起的差动保护误动作。

    The high slope may avoid differential protection misoperation caused by TA saturation .

  14. 分析了CT匝数比误差对高阻抗差动保护的影响,并介绍了匝数比误差的测量方法。

    The influence of CT turn ratio to high impedance differential protection is analyzed , and the method of measuring turn ratio error is also introduced .

  15. 介绍一种用双机CPU构成的基于模糊集理论的双绕组变压器微机差动保护装置。

    This paper expounded a double CPU control device used for a transformer differential protection on fuzzy set theory .

  16. 复用2M口光纤电流差动保护的调试

    Debugging of optical-fiber current differential protection multiplex 2M fiber channel

  17. 根据录波器采集的电流互感器数据,通过MATLAB编程验证了本文差动保护方案的正确性。

    According to data collected by recording device , the correctness of the transformer differential protection program proposed by this paper is verified by MATLAB programming .

  18. 2M电路传输时延对光纤电流差动保护的影响

    The effect of 2 M multiplexing circuit delay on optical fiber current differential protection

  19. 差动保护因TA的饱和造成保护误动,采用功率方向保护避免因TA饱和造成误动。

    Differential protection 's unwarranted trip is often caused by saturation of TA . Avoid it by directional power protection .

  20. 并结合最新的32位MCU、DSP芯片及实时多任务操作系统,提出一套先进的保护方案,可达到快速鉴别涌流的日的,使变压器差动保护动作更加快速可靠。

    In the end an advanced protection scheme is brought forward , which is based on 32-bit MCU . DSP chip and real-time operation system .

  21. 作为同步相量测量技术在保护中的应用,论文最后,利用同步相量测量技术,设计了一个基于GPS时钟同步的数字电流差动保护方案。

    As an application of PMU to power system protection , a scheme design of a digital differential protection with PMU technology is given in the last of this .

  22. 电流差动保护中的TA饱和造成了对短路电流的变换误差,从而影响了差动保护的动作可靠性。

    In differential protection , the reliability of protection is influenced seriously by the TA 's transform error when TA saturated .

  23. TA饱和一直是影响变压器差动保护可靠性的重要原因。

    The TA saturation has always been the main problem to degrade the reliability of the differential protection of power transformer .

  24. 最后,还根据现场实际情况给出了一种效验中性点零序CT极性的方法,为零序差动保护在现场的正确应用提供了有力的支持。

    A method for neutral polarity testing of zero-sequence TA is proposed according to the real conditions on worksite , which is helpful for the correct application of zero-sequence differential protection on spot .

  25. 变压器差动保护BCH系列计算软件

    Calculation software of BCH series transformer differential protection

  26. 基于全球定位系统(GPS)的相量测量单元(PMU)的出现,使得在电力系统中应用广域电流差动保护成为可能。

    With development of the PMU based on the GPS , it is now possible to implement the wide area current differential protection .

  27. MCD光纤电流差动保护动作后不能正常录波原因分析

    Cause Analyse about Abnomal Recorded Wave after MCD Fiber Current Difference Protection

  28. MCD光纤电流差动保护装置的性能特点及调试运行中应注意的问题

    Functions of MCD Fibre Line Differential Protection and Some Problems in Commissioning and using

  29. 摘要:本文阐述了变压器差动保护中电流互感器TA及其联接组的若干技术新问题的重要性。

    This paper proposes the important of several questions of the current transformer ( TA ) and connect group of it 's secondary circuit in the transformer differential relay .

  30. 在第三代数字式保护通用硬件基础上,采用单CPU板的方案实现了间断角原理的差动保护。

    Based on the general hardware of the third generation digital protec - tion , a digital differential protection device for transformers on the intermission angle principle in a single CPU board is presented .