
  1. 级联H桥逆变器差补调制方式的研究

    Research on Differential PWM Strategy for Cascaded H - bridge Inverter

  2. 不同差补方法的比较级联H桥逆变器差补调制方式的研究

    Comparison of Imputation Methods Research on Differential PWM Strategy for Cascaded H-bridge Inverter

  3. 基于差补调制方式的级联H桥逆变器单元故障控制方法

    Control Method for Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter With Faulty Cells Based on Differential PWM

  4. 差补调制方式控制的H桥能够输出3种电平,能够消除大部分低次谐波及所有的偶次谐波,主要谐波频带远离基波,且范围是两电平的2倍。

    Most low order harmonic and all even order harmonic can be cancelled in H-bridge output with this method , and main harmonic band is far from the fundament frequency .

  5. 详细介绍了单个H桥及级联型逆变器的结构,并对正弦差补调制方式控制下H桥的输出电压进行了详细的谐波分析。

    Structure of the H-bridge and topology of cascaded multilevel three phase inverter are presented in this paper , harmonic analysis for the output of H-bridge controlled by the differential pulse width modulation ( PWM ) strategy is also detailed .

  6. 自控八方向逐点比较法差补程序设计

    Point by Point Comparative Method of Self-controlling Eight Directions Used for Differential Complement Programming Design

  7. 不同差补方法的比较

    Comparison of Imputation Methods

  8. 详细介绍了电眼扫描两路条形码技术、角度编码器差补运算技术。

    It introduces the technique of photocell - scanning two - way barcodes and angle - encoder 's interpolation arithmetic .

  9. 以无功电流差补值作为控制参量,并以高次谐波电流作为谐振保护信号,由专家系统给出投切无功补偿电容的控制指令。

    Then , adopting reactive current margin and harmonics as control and protection variable , an expert system was formed to control thyristor switched capacitor .

  10. 其中,把握好广告背景和心理差补效应对实现广告创意及其实施与控制的有效性尤为重要。

    Especially , how to grasp the advertisement background and the psychoactive " disparity supplement reactions " is very important to realize the effectiveness of advertisement originality and its enforcement and control .

  11. 然后引进差补方法计算物料平均轴向位移和平均停留时间,并分析了物料充满角对轴向位移速度的影响。

    Then the mean distance and the mean time of material flow were calculated by means of filling method , the influence of the filling angle of particle on the axial transport velocity was analyzed .

  12. 坐标参数加权平差法在线路补测中的应用

    Application of Parameter Adjustment with Weighted Coordinates in Additional Control Survey of Route