
  • 网络differential pressure gauge;differential manometer;differential pressure gage
  1. 主要介绍了液柱压力计的正确使用方法和误差分析。给出了U型管压力计和双管差压计的测量精度。

    The presentation of usage of liquid column manometer . The correct use method and error correction of U tube manometer and double tube differential pressure gauge were analysed .

  2. 从两相流流型的空间几何意义出发,利用差压计作传感器,提出用标准空间特征频率斯特罗哈尔数Sr作流型识别的定量依据,斯特罗哈尔数Sr识别流型具有明确的物理意义。

    Considering the spatial geometric significance of two-phase flow patterns and using the differential pressure gauge as a sensor , the Strouhal number Sr is taken as the basis for distinguishing flow patterns . Using Strouhal number Sr to identify flow pattern has clear physical meaning .

  3. 目前对油田伴生气的计量基本上都是采用标准孔板节流装置配用CWD-430双波纹管差压计来进行计量。

    At present , the measurement of associated gas is basically made by using standard orifice control device together with CWD-430 differential pressure guage with double-ply bellows .

  4. 差动电容光纤传输差压计的研究

    The Study of Optical Fiber Transmission Differential Pressure Instrument of the Differential Capacitor

  5. 双波纹管差压计测量天然气流量中的附加计算误差问题

    Additional Calculation Error Measured with Dual Bellows Differential Flowmeter

  6. 双波纹管差压计质量的提高

    Improving the quality of dual bellows differential gauges

  7. 差压计模锻成形工艺方案分析

    Die forging process analysis of the differential gauge

  8. 本文推荐一种适合泵站单泵测流的笛形管&差压计测流方法。

    This paper recommends a method of measuring flow by the flute pipe-pressure difference gauge , which is suited to measure flow at pumping station .

  9. 在差压计量程上限不变的条件下,量程比可达1:9,测量精度可达0.5%。

    As the upper limit of the different pressure meter range is unchanged , the range ratio is up to1: 9.The measurement accuracy is up to 0.5 % .

  10. 内、外置平衡容器式差压水位计的比较(电位差计的)辅助设备

    Comparison between Build-in and External Balance Vessel Differential Pressure Fluviometer

  11. 负迁移差压液位计在尿素装置中的应用及改进

    Application of Differential Pressure Level Meter of Negative Transference Type in Urea Plant

  12. 减小了汽包差压水位计测量误差。

    The measure error of drum differential pressure water level gauge is reduced now .

  13. 光纤差压压力计设计

    Design of differential pressure gauge with optical fiber

  14. 锅炉汽包差压水位计测量误差分析及处理

    Treatment Method and Analyzing of Measure Tolerance about Drum Differential Pressure Water Level Gauge of Boiler

  15. 差压水位计的测量不稳定性影响保护全过程投入,保护实际传动校验问题多。

    The unstability of differential pressure water level gauge affects the full-process commissioning of protection with more problems in actual drive check of protection .

  16. 介绍大型电站锅炉锅筒水位测量设备的工作原理,分析研究了就地水位计、电接点水位计和差压水位计的指示值各不相同原因。

    Working mechanism of drum water level measuring device for large capacity utility boiler is introduced , and reason for different indicated values in local water gage , electrode water column gage and differential pressure water level meter are analyzed .

  17. 分析差压水位计环境温度修正难点、测量附加差压的不确定性和随机性、实测不稳定、易大幅度漂移、0位必须频繁核对等问题。

    The correction difficulty of environmental temperature , uncertainty and randomness of additional differential pressure of measurement , unstability of actual measurement , easy to drift by big margin and frequent check of zero position etc. problems of differential pressure water level gauge were analyzed .

  18. 提高锅炉差压式水位计性能的分析研究

    Improvements in the Characteristic of Differential-Pressure-Type Water Level Instrument in Boiler

  19. 锅筒式锅炉差压式水位计的温度补偿研究

    Temperature Compensation Study of the Differential-pressure Water Gage Used for a Drum Boiler

  20. 大型锅炉汽包差压式水位计的改进和参数确定

    Improvement of Drum Pressure Differential Water Meter of Large Boilers and Setting of the Parameters

  21. 差压式液位计在污水处理厂消化池液位测量中的应用

    The Application of Differential Level Meter for Level Mea sure ment in Digestion Tank of Sewage Treatment Plant

  22. 差压式水位计的参比水柱因为布置在大气环境当中,势必受到环境变化的影响;

    Due to its location in an atmospheric air environment the reference water column of a differential pressure water gage is inevitably subjected to the influence of the change in environmental conditions .

  23. 而目前的差压式水位计设计,仅对参比水柱设固定的50℃的温度补偿,或者不设补偿。

    In the design of the present day differential pressure water gage either no temperature compensation or a temperature compensation of only 50 ℃ fixed value has been set for the reference water column .

  24. 在高温高压容器中采用差压式水位计测量水位的方法,通常由于容器中介质密度的变化给测量带来很大误差。

    When a differential pressure water - level gauge is used to measure the water - level in the vessel , large uncertainty can be induced because of the change of media density in the vessel .