
  • 网络standard orifice plate;LGB;BYM-BK;BN-BK
  1. 在采用标准孔板节流装置测量天然气流量时,盖压波动对测量精度影响甚大。

    The differential pressure fluctuation has a quite great influence upon the measure precision in measuring natural gas flow rate with the measuring device by use of standard orifice plate .

  2. 当前,现场采用的天然气标准孔板为一次检测装置的流量测量系统,其主要为机械式和电动单元组合式仪表流量测量系统两种类型。

    At present , the natural gas standard orifice plate adoped on the spot is the flowing measuring system with primary monitoring unit which is made by two main kinds of mechanical and electro element combination patterns .

  3. 在MATLAB软件环境下介绍软件的设计方法,并给出了高炉煤气标准孔板设计计算实例。

    Based on MATLAB , the software 's design process is introduced and the application examples in blast furnace gas standard orifice 's design is presented .

  4. 讨论了一种基于低功耗单片机MSP430的天然气标准孔板智能流量积算仪的设计。

    The design of an intelligent flow totalizer based on single chip computer MSP430 with low power consumption is discussed .

  5. 目前对油田伴生气的计量基本上都是采用标准孔板节流装置配用CWD-430双波纹管差压计来进行计量。

    At present , the measurement of associated gas is basically made by using standard orifice control device together with CWD-430 differential pressure guage with double-ply bellows .

  6. 气提泵中标准孔板流量计特征

    The Characteristics of Standard Orifice Flow Meters in an Airlift Pump

  7. 重点介绍了内锥流量计的各项特性与技术指标,并与标准孔板流量计作了比对,说明内锥流量计优于标准孔板。

    Various characteristics and specifications of inner flowmeter are described in detail .

  8. 天然气流量的标准孔板计量方法SYL04&83

    Natural Gas Flow Rate Measurement Method by Standard Orifice plate

  9. 一种提高标准孔板流量计计量精度的方法

    A method of raising the Precision for standard hole - board flowmeter

  10. 测量多组份气体流量的标准孔板的计算方法

    Orifice Plates Calculation Method for Multi-Constituent Gas Flow Measurement

  11. 基于神经网络的标准孔板气体流量测量

    Standard Orifice Measurement of Gas Flow Based on ANN

  12. 分析开发标准孔板设计计算软件的必要。

    This paper analyzes necessity to develop a software used to calculate standard orifice .

  13. 流量测量标准孔板计算软件开发

    Development of Flow Measurement Standard Orifice Calculating Software

  14. 标准孔板与涡街的能耗(永久压力损失)估算

    Evaluation of Energy Loss ( Permanent Pressure Loss ) in Standardized Orifice Plate and Vortex Flow Meter

  15. 阐述了孔板流量计的流量测量原理以及理论流量计算公式、标准孔板的结构形式和技术要求。

    Then , its measurement principle and theoretical formula , as well as the structural style and technical requirements of standard orifice were expounded .

  16. 该文借助于标准孔板的理论节流模型,确定了多孔孔板的节流模型形式,并通过对试验数据的分析,识别出模型中的未知参数,得出了多孔孔板水节流特性模型。

    The model form is determined according to the theoretical throttling model of SOP while the unknown parameters are identified by means of the analysis of experimental data .

  17. 为了修正阀芯侧面通流孔流量系数,论文还对标准孔板进行了三维湍流流动的数值模拟。

    Aiming to correct the flow coefficient of spool side pore , the numerical simulation of the three-dimensional turbulent flow was carried out on the standard pore plate .

  18. 长期以来,标准孔板由于其发展技术成熟、标准化程度高、结构简单等特点在过热蒸汽流量计量中得到非常广泛的应用。

    Standard orifice has been widely used for a long time in the flow measurement of overheat steam because of its well-developed technique , high level of standardization and simple structures .

  19. 对标准孔板节流装置进行改进,最终设计出Ⅰ、Ⅱ两种开孔直径的节流装置,及其相应的Ⅰ、Ⅱ两种量程的分流量热式流量计。

    Ultimately , two kinds of partial flow thermal gas meters and the corresponding two throttling devices with different diameters , I and II type , are designed in this paper .

  20. 湿气组成具有一定的特殊性,其存在形态、物性参数等经常不能达到标准孔板所要求的技术条件,从而导致较大的湿气测量误差。

    With the composite characteristics of wet gas , its forms of existence and physical parameters often fail to conform to the technical specifications of standard orifice plates , thus causing greater metering errors .

  21. 探讨了气提泵输送水,模拟料液,30%三烷基氧膦-煤油溶液时标准孔板流量计两端压降特征。

    The study on the characteristics of standard orifice flow meter in an air-lift pump was carried out by measuring the flow rate of water , a solution simulating high-level-liquid-waste and 30 % trialkylphosphine oxide ( TRPO ) - kerosene solution .

  22. 天然气标准孔板差压式流量计算机自动计量系统的检定,其中包括:标准孔板节流装置,静压、差压变送器、温度传感器、数据采集系统等组件的检定;

    The verification of the computer automatic measuring system of the standard orifice differential pressure gas flow rate , including the examination of standard orifice restricting device , static pressure differential pressure transmitter , temperature sensor and data acquisition system , etc. ;

  23. 为了改变辽河油田天然气落后的计量状态,我们采用标准孔板、智能传感器、国际标准天然气压缩因子、体积流量算法和补偿技术进行天然气计量技术改造。

    In order to change the behindhand state in measurement of natural gas of Liaohe oil field , we make the technique reformation , using the normal hole-board , intelligent sensor , natural gas compression factor , arithmetic of volume flux and compensatory technology .

  24. 检测系统使用标准96孔微孔板,设计机械扫描结构,应用二相混合式步进电机的开环控制实现精密运动。

    ⒊ System uses a standard 96 tiny hole board , a mechanism scanning frame is designed . Using two phase hybrid step motor under open loop control can accomplish precision scanning .

  25. 从采用新型变送器、计量参数和非正常情况的在线修正三个方面,对依据SY/T6143-1996标准进行天然气流量的标准孔板计量时如何提高精度加以论述,并给出具体实例。

    How to improve the accuracy of Standard orifice measurement is discussed flowing with , The use of new type of translator , online correction of measurement parameter and abnormal condition according to SY / T6143-1996 standard to measure natural gas , An Example is given in the papers .

  26. 在国家石油天然气行业标准SY/T61431996天然气流量的标准孔板计量方法颁布后,该标准代替SY10483标准,凡使用标准孔板测量天然气流量均应按该标准实施。

    After its issue , the trade specification of Petroleum and natural gas industry SY / T 6143-1996 《 Standard Orifice Plate Metering Method for Natural Gas Flow 》 has replaced SY 104-83 Specification .

  27. 最近公布了国家标准GB2624&81。本文根据新标准,通过实际例子以说明标准孔板的计算方法。

    On the basis of the recently published National Standard GB 2426-81 the calculation method for orifice plates is illustrated here with a practical example .