
  • 网络Standard thermocouple;NiCr-NiSi
  1. 它们经常要用标准热电偶来校对。

    They should be checked frequently against a standard thermocouple .

  2. 介绍了一种用常规的自然热电偶和标准热电偶方法实现高速加工过程中切削温度的直接接触式测量的计算机辅助测温系统。

    A computer aided measurement system is used to measure the cutting temperature directly in high-speed machining by natural thermocouples and standard thermocouples .

  3. 文章通过对传统的二等标准热电偶检定方法的分析,较为详细地介绍了MCS-51单片机为核心的自动检定装置的设备组合、原理及实现。

    The paper analyzes traditional method for calibration of standard thermocouple and describes in detail the principal and implement of the automatic calibration system based on the MCS-51 monolithic processor .

  4. 利用此法制作的热电偶,各热电偶的一致性好,在-40~100℃温度范围内,与标准热电偶的热电特性吻合得很好,其精度达到±0.1℃,可作为二级标准温度计使用

    Calibration conducted indicate that all thermocouples made by this method were coincident with each other very well and the uncertainty was within ± 0.1 ℃ in the temperature range of - 40 ~ 100 ℃ . Standard

  5. 将标准热电偶与自然热电偶两种测温方法结合起来,提出了一种能直接测量同种及异种材料摩擦界面温度及其沿径向分布的新方法。

    A new method for direct measuring interface temperature and its distribution along diameter direction for friction welding joint between the same or different materials is put forward by using the standard thermal couple in combination with natural thermal couple .

  6. 基于上述形势,本论文充分利用了成熟的现代计算机控制技术和数据采集技术,以及目前丰富的软、硬件资源,论述了一种新型的标准热电偶微机自动检定系统的研制方法。

    Based on above situations , the thesis makes full uses of mature computer control technique and data acquisition technique , and current abundant software and hardware resources , discusses the basic research of a new kind of automatic calibration system .

  7. 介绍一种测、控、管一体化的热电偶及热电阻全自动检定装置的构成原理、结构、控制算法、数字触发器模型及校准模型,该装置满足二等标准热电偶及工业热电阻检定的技术要求。

    This paper introduces one kind of autometic calibrator for thermocouple and thermal resistance . The calibration system includes measurement , controlment and manage-ment together . Its principle , structure , control algorithm , digital flip-flop mode and calibra-tion mode are presented .

  8. 鉴于我国在中温区还没有标准级热电偶,作者建议开发Ag-Pd热电偶,并给出Ag-Pd热电偶热电动势-温度值。

    It is suggested that we 'll develop Ag-Pd thermocouple for there is no standard class thermocouple at middle temperature range in our country and give thermal electromotive force-temperature value of Ag-Pd thermocouple .

  9. 七种标准型热电偶特性曲线的高精度拟合

    High-grade precision fitting about seven kinds of characteristic curves for standard thermocouple

  10. 由于短型热电偶检定炉的恒定均匀温场难以实现,所以,国内没有定型的标准短型热电偶检定装置。

    There is no finalized test device for standard short-model couple , because that it 's difficult to realize the constant and uniform temperature field for test furnace of the thermal couple .

  11. 本文比较全面、详细地介绍了一等标准铂铑10-铂热电偶测量热电动势的不确定度分析的具体方法和步骤。

    This text is more overall and introduced in detail a standard platinum rhodium 10-platinum thermocouple measures the analytical concrete method and steps of the indetermination degree of the caloric electricity .

  12. 一等标准铂铑10-铂热电偶用于检定次级标准热电偶或在419.527~1084.62℃温区内实现热电偶测温的量值传递和精密测温。

    The first-class standard platinum rhodium 10-platinum thermocouple useds for the standard thermocouple of the examination time class or carries out the quantity value that the thermocouple measures to deliver to measure with nicety in 419.527 ~ 1 084.62 ℃ .

  13. 为了解决测量中存在非线性误差问题,分析了光纤黑体辐射温度传感器的原理和非线性误差的来源,给出了测量电路的组成,并利用标准铂-铑热电偶进行温度校正。

    In order to solve nonlinear errors in measurement , the principle of the black body radiation temperature sensor of optical fiber and nonlinear error source are analysed . The composition of measurement circuit is given , and temperature calibration had is carried out with standard Platinum-Rhodium thermocouple .