
  1. 她提到,MBA学员和普通硕士之间的差异正在缩小,因为很多硕士生年龄在24岁到25岁,而且拥有实习经验。

    In Europe , she notes , the gap between MBAs and masters students is diminishing since many of the latter are aged 24 / 25 and have intern experience embedded in their degree .

  2. 但是,他们是否能打败那些普通硕士生,从而进入这些竞争激烈的小圈子,却仍然是个未知数。

    But whether they can fight off their rivals with masters degrees to enter fields that are small and competitive remains to be seen .

  3. 米勒补充道,在许多方面,安排普通硕士的职务更容易些,因为他们人数很多,而且入职起点较低。

    In many ways , Ms Miller adds , students with masters degrees are easier to place since they come from a larger pool and enter at a lower level .

  4. 普通高校硕士研究生体育行为现状与对策研究

    On Analysis and Strategies of Present State and Countermeasure for Postgraduates in Higher Education

  5. 本研究主要是对我国当前普通高校硕士研究生学习现状及教育质量状况进行描述分析。

    This study is our current status of Postgraduate study and describe the situation of the quality of education .

  6. 于此同时,普通高校硕士研究生数量的增长,也必将导致到它在整个学位体系中的地位变化。

    Meanwhile , the number of college graduates increased , it will also affect the status of the degree system .

  7. 河南省普通高校全日制硕士研究生参加体育锻炼的现状分析

    An Analysis of Full-time Postgraduates of Taking Physical Exercises in Regular HEIs of Henan Province

  8. 普通高校武术方向硕士研究生教育与培养之研究

    The research on education and cultivation of Wushu postgraduate students in university

  9. 石家庄市普通高校在读硕士研究生体育消费现状调查与对策分析

    Shijiazhuang City College Graduate Student in the Master of Sports Consumer Survey Analysis and Countermeasures

  10. 通过对所获得的资料进行分析,全面了解了陕西省普通高校在读硕士研究生开设体育选修课的现状及研究生体育工作存在不足,为高校研究生体育改革提供参考。

    On the data analysis , a comprehensive understanding of the Shaanxi Normal University postgraduate physical status of elective courses .