
  • 网络the price index
  1. 学报引文普赖斯指数为30.30%,半衰期为12a。

    The Price index is 30.30 % . The half-life of the cited literatures is 12 years .

  2. 引文半衰期与普赖斯指数之间的数量关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of Citing Half Life and Price Index

  3. 论普赖斯指数增长模型参数的估计&兼与刘莉同志商榷

    On Parameter Estimation of the Model of Exponential Growth in Price Law

  4. 我校学报论著引文普赖斯指数的比较分析

    An Analysis on the Price Index of Treatise References Cited in Our Journal

  5. 普赖斯指数40.12%。

    The price 's index is 40.12 % .

  6. 普赖斯指数为37.22%。

    The Price index was 37.22 % .

  7. 普赖斯指数47.5(%);期刊自引率4.6%。

    The Price Index was 47.5 % , and the self-citation rate in the journal was 4.6 % .

  8. 普赖斯指数和自引率分别为48.2%、4.84%;

    The average Price index was 48.2 % , and the self - citation rate was 4.84 % .

  9. 平均普赖斯指数47.67%;著者和本刊自引率分别为4.04%和2.80%。

    The co-citation rates of the authors and of the journal were 4.04 % and 2.80 % respectively .

  10. 主要引文类型为期刊(87.56%)和图书(11.96%),普赖斯指数44.77%,自引率17.20%,被引用频次前15位的中外文期刊的文献引用量占期刊引文总量的53.36%。

    The self-citation rate was 17.20 % . The references from the IS highly-ranked journals accounted for 53.36 % of all the references .

  11. 另外得出中文引文普赖斯指数为40.2%,外文引文普赖斯指数为20.4%。

    The Price index of Chinese quotation is 40 . 2 % , the one of foreign language is 20 . 4 % .

  12. 普赖斯指数为45.20%,被引用频次居前22位的中外文期刊的文献引用量占总引用期刊文献量的26.51%。

    The Price Index was 45.20 % , and the self-citation rate was 3.97 % . The percent of citations from the high-ranked 22 journals were 26.51 % .

  13. 刊载论文的引文率为82.3%,被引文献的类型主要为期刊,其中58.7%引自外文期刊,31.5%引自中文期刊,平均普赖斯指数为44.9%。

    82.3 % were with reference citation mostly from periodicals , with 58.7 % and 31.5 % respectively from international and national ( Chinese ) journals . The average Price index was 44.9 % .

  14. 方法用文献计量学方法,统计分析该刊1-10卷刊载的论文、作者、作者地域分布、论文合著率,论著的引文率、引文语种和引文类型,普赖斯指数,引文半衰期以及出版时滞等。

    Methods A bibliometric survey was done to analyze articles , authors , districts distribution of authors , cooperation rate , citation rate , language of the citations , publication type of citation , Price 's Index .

  15. 结果引文率为68.98%,篇均引文量6.09条,主要引文类型分别为期刊(85.66%)和图书(14.04%),普赖斯指数49.45%,作者自引率2.86%,期刊自引率7.43%。

    Main types of citations are journals ( 85.66 % ) and books ( 14.04 % ) . The Price Index is 49.45 % , the self-citation rate for author and periodical is 2.86 % and 7.43 % respectively .

  16. 普赖斯指数56.78%;期刊自引率5.11%,作者自引率3.59%。

    The Price Index was 56.78 % , and the self-citation rate in journals was 5.11 % , and the self-citation rate in authors was 3.59 % , 84.26 % of the cited papers published in 10 years previously .

  17. 采用文献计量法,统计了《编辑学报》2001&2004年刊载论文的引文量、引文语种、引文年代、普赖斯指数、引文半衰期和自引率等指标。

    By using the biblio-metrological method , this paper makes statistics of some citation indexes of the papers published in from 2001 to 2004 such as the citation quantities , citation languages , Price index , citation half-time and self-citing rate .

  18. 引文语种主要是汉语和英语,各占6539%和3409%;2003年《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》普赖斯指数为5924%,比前面9年(普赖斯指数介于30%~40%之间)有较大幅度提高;

    It was also indicated that the Price index of the journal was 59.24 % for 2003 , which was greatly improved as compared with those of the 9 years before ( the values being in the range of 30 % & 40 % ) .

  19. 普赖斯文献指数增长曲线是经坐标变换处理过的曲线。

    Abstract The literature growth curve of D. Price is a kind of coordinate-transformated curve .