
  1. 我们选用1998-2003年间的《中国科技统计年鉴》和《中国工业统计年鉴》37个工业行业面板数据进行研究。

    We select 37 industries in China from year 1998 to 2003 . Most data comes from the yearbook of Chinese Industry and the yearbook of science and technology of China .

  2. 基于《中国科技统计年鉴》(1996-2011)的统计数据研究表明:河北省研发服务业与经济增长并未形成良性互动关系。

    Studies based statistical data on the " China Statistical Yearbook "( 1996-2011 ) has shown that : R & D services in Hebei Province and economic growth is not a positive interaction .