
  • 网络Self citation rate;seif-citing rate
  1. 有109种期刊引用该刊,自引率为43.97%。

    There were 109 citing journals , and self-citing rate was 43.97 % .

  2. 有563种期刊引用《中华检验医学杂志》,自引率为9.85%。

    There were 563 citing journals where the self-citing rate is 9.85 % .

  3. 引用期刊种数多,有333种期刊引用该刊,自引率为10.70%。

    There are 333 citing journals , and self-citing rate is 10.70 % .

  4. 有354种期刊引用中华眼科杂志,被引率49.96%,自引率8.87%。

    There were 354 citing journals , and self-citing rate was 8.87 % .

  5. 著者自引率为10.1%;

    The self citing rate was 9.7 % .

  6. 引用文献的半衰期为6.70年;自引率2.31%。

    The citation half-life was 6.70 years and rate of self-citation was 2.31 % .

  7. 作者自引率为7.78%。

    The rate of self-quotation is 7.78 % .

  8. 期刊自引率为3.94%,他引率为96.06%。

    The self-citing rate is 9.85 % .

  9. 引文以期刊为主,期刊自引率为5.18%;

    The main type of citation is journals . The self - citation rate is 5.18 % .

  10. 普赖斯指数47.5(%);期刊自引率4.6%。

    The Price Index was 47.5 % , and the self-citation rate in the journal was 4.6 % .

  11. 普赖斯指数和自引率分别为48.2%、4.84%;

    The average Price index was 48.2 % , and the self - citation rate was 4.84 % .

  12. 生根率不高。自引率较高。

    However , the rate of root initiation was low . Their frequency is high to cite itself .

  13. 平均普赖斯指数47.67%;著者和本刊自引率分别为4.04%和2.80%。

    The co-citation rates of the authors and of the journal were 4.04 % and 2.80 % respectively .

  14. 作者、期刊自引率分别为4.4%,7.7%。

    The self-citation rate of authors is 4.4 % , the self-citation rate of the journal is 7.7 % .

  15. 有213种期刊引用《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》,自引率为16·78%。

    Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases was cited by 213 journals and the self-citation rate was 16.78 % .

  16. 中文期刊的篇均引文数和参考文献中期刊自引率均远低于外刊;

    The number of references and journal self-citation rate of two Chinese journals are much lower than those of three foreign journals .

  17. 主要引文类型为期刊(87.56%)和图书(11.96%),普赖斯指数44.77%,自引率17.20%,被引用频次前15位的中外文期刊的文献引用量占期刊引文总量的53.36%。

    The self-citation rate was 17.20 % . The references from the IS highly-ranked journals accounted for 53.36 % of all the references .

  18. 自引率和他引率较为合适,但有些刊物自引率偏高。

    The rate of cited by self and by others is relatively proper , though some of journals show higher at this index .

  19. 篇均引文5.78条,自引率4.91%;英文文献是该刊作者主要情报信息源,共引文7037条,占引文总数的68.51%。

    It is also found that most citations come from English sources , which number 7,037 and account for 68.51 % of the total .

  20. 他引率高、自引率低,说明该刊办刊严谨、求实,各项计量指标真实可靠。

    The higher rate of citation by others and lower self-cited rate indicate that the Journal has been rigorous and realistic in editorial practice .

  21. 结论该刊所载文献质量相对较高,自引率稍高但在适当范围内,该刊是我国康复医学研究领域最重要的信息源之一,也是我国康复医学领域的主要核心期刊。

    It is one of the most important information resources for the physical medicine and rehabilitation researchers and the core journal in the rehabilitation medical research field .

  22. 自引率为3.83%,他引率高达96.17%;

    Their frequency is high to cite itself . ( 3 ) Non-self-cite rate of the Chinese Journal of Hepatology was 96.17 % , and self-cite rate was 3.83 % .

  23. 结果论文平均引文量为5.4条,中外文的比例为1∶1.3,期刊占总引文量的87.1%,引文自引率为11.0%。

    Results The average article citation was 5.4 , while the ratio of Chinese to foreign language literatures was 1:1.3 . Citations from periodicals accounted for 87.1 % and the rate of self - citation was 11.0 % .

  24. 结果引文率为68.98%,篇均引文量6.09条,主要引文类型分别为期刊(85.66%)和图书(14.04%),普赖斯指数49.45%,作者自引率2.86%,期刊自引率7.43%。

    Main types of citations are journals ( 85.66 % ) and books ( 14.04 % ) . The Price Index is 49.45 % , the self-citation rate for author and periodical is 2.86 % and 7.43 % respectively .

  25. 普赖斯指数56.78%;期刊自引率5.11%,作者自引率3.59%。

    The Price Index was 56.78 % , and the self-citation rate in journals was 5.11 % , and the self-citation rate in authors was 3.59 % , 84.26 % of the cited papers published in 10 years previously .

  26. 采用文献计量法,统计了《编辑学报》2001&2004年刊载论文的引文量、引文语种、引文年代、普赖斯指数、引文半衰期和自引率等指标。

    By using the biblio-metrological method , this paper makes statistics of some citation indexes of the papers published in from 2001 to 2004 such as the citation quantities , citation languages , Price index , citation half-time and self-citing rate .

  27. 即年指标不高,自引率较低,说明被其他期刊引用较多,而自引的情况较少说明论文作者未重视自身研究成果的宣传与延续。

    Immediacy index is not high , the low rate of self-cited to illustrate cited by other journals are more , but with fewer instructions from the cited papers did not attach importance to their own research on the publicity and continuity .

  28. 统计项目包括引文量、引文语种、引文类型、引文年代分布、自引率、引文的期刊分布以及各学报引用中、外文重要期刊等。

    The statistical data includes the numbers , languages and types of the citations , years of the citations published , percentage of self citation , distribution of the cited periodicals , and the most important Chinese and foreign periodicals cited with high frequency .

  29. 结果:本刊引文自引率、引文语种中的外文比例、平均引文量均保持在较高水平,分别为11.74%、33.5%、8.20条/篇;

    Results : The ratio of self-quoted references , the proportion of foreign languages of the quoted theses and the average quotation amount of each thesis are all kept at a high level . They are 11.74 % , 33.5 % , 8.20 items per thesis respectively .

  30. 两刊的统计项目有引文量、引文语种、引文文献类型、引文年代分布、自引率和被引期刊情况,并分别揭示出36种和72种中日蚕业科技人员常用的核心期刊。

    The statistical items included : quantity , language , type , distribution of years of the reference papers , and the self-referencing rate . The analysis showed that 36 titles of the Chinese sericultural periodicals were nucleus for the Chinese scientists and 72 titles for the Japanese ones .