
  • 网络Self-actualizing;self-actualizing man;Self-Actualization Man
  1. 第三,自我实现人这一概念是由马斯洛提出的。

    The concept of Self-actualization man was provided by Maslow .

  2. 西方管理心理学者认为,从传统管理到管理心理学,实际上存在着四种对人性的假设,即经济人、社会人、自我实现人和复杂人,不同的人性假设相对应有着不同的管理模式。

    E. , economic man , social man , self-actualization man , and complex man . Each hypothesis implies a unique practice of management .

  3. 从经济人的假设开始,人性假设经历了社会人、自我实现人、复杂人、知识人和网络人的发展历程。

    The assumption of the human nature has experienced the assumption of the social person , the self-realized person , the complicated person , the knowledge person and the network person .

  4. 人力资源开发方式经过了经济人、社会人、自我实现人与复杂人,四种方式都有其局限性。

    The modes of the development of human resources as " economic individual ", " social individual ", " self-realized individual " and " complexes individual " all have their respective limitation .

  5. 硬环境与软环境,有形环境与无形环境的融合,蕴含了丰富的社会人、自我实现人的思想,本质上已区别于以往时代的古典经济人,成为新经济人。

    Plenty of ideas about " social man " and " self-actualizing man " are enabling it to be " new economic man ", which is sharply different from classical " economic man " in essence .

  6. 西方学者相继提出了经济人、社会人、自我实现人、复杂人等人性质态和相应的人力资源管理模式。

    Western scholars have put forward economic man , social man , self actualization man , complex man and other human nature states . At the same time , they also put forward the model of human resource management .

  7. 文章在分析管理学中经济人假设理论、社会人假设理论、自我实现人假设理论、复杂人假设理论的基础上,重点阐述了人性假设理论对思想政治教育的启示。

    This article first analyzes theories of " economy person " assumption ," social person " assumption ," self-achievement person " assumption and " complicated person " assumption , and then it emphatically expounds the practical enlightenment to ideological and political education .

  8. 管理学的演化是沿着人性假设的思路展开的,从经济人假设开始,经历了社会人假设、自我实现人假设、复杂人假设,发展到决策人假设等。

    Based on the hypothesis of human nature , the development of management has undergone different hypothesis starting from ' economy man ' , ' society man ' , ' self-actualization man ' , ' complex man ' , to ' policymaker ' .

  9. 自我实现的人&马斯洛的健康人格模型

    The Person of Self-realization & A.H.Maslow 's Perfect Personality Model

  10. 自我实现是人的一种高层次心理需要和普遍追求。

    Self Actualization is a universal motive and psychological need in higher level .

  11. 人本主义心理学家所认为的自我实现的人普遍怀有对独处的需要。

    People who achieved self-realization according to humanistic psychologists have the preference for solitude .

  12. 目的性是人的基本属性,自我实现是人的根本目的,自我实现就是成己。只有确立为人民为社会的人生动机,才能获得成己的结果。

    Aim is the basic tribute of man , self-fulfillment is the radical aim .

  13. 只有获得全面发展的人,才是最终完成了自我实现的人。

    Only all-round development of people , is the ultimate completion of the human self-realization .

  14. 人本主义教育家认为教育要培养自我实现的人,而自我实现者的一个显著特征是富有创造性。

    Educators of humanism hold that education should encourage self realization , which is characterized by strong creativity .

  15. 自我实现:人本主义视野中的教育目标取向&兼谈对大学生创造性培养策略的启迪

    Self-actualization : the Teaching Goal Orientation in Perspective of Humanism & Strategies to Cultivation of Student 's Creativity

  16. 实际上,发展性教师评价关于自我实现的人的人性假设及其人文主义的管理范式也有其内在的缺陷。

    In fact , the human hypothesis of " self-fulfilled person " and the management pattern of humanism in teacher professional development assessment bear some inner defects as well .

  17. 在100多年的管理活动史中,分别有工具人、经济人、社会人和自我实现的人等人性假设。

    In the past 100 years of the history of management , the theories and practices of management at every stage are respectively based on the hypothesis of human nature such as instrumental man , social man and self-actualizing man .

  18. 马斯洛追求的人的自我实现的人本主义教育目标在某种程度上与我国人的全面发展的教育目标有些殊途同归。

    This paper discusses Maslow 's " Theories of self actualization ", pointing out that the educational goal " self actualization " which Maslow had been pursuing , to some extent , shares the same end with that of the " Full development " theory in our country .

  19. 按马斯洛的说法,自我实现是成熟人的最高成就。

    Self-actualization is , according to Maslow , the ultimate achievement of mature human beings .

  20. 贝多芬的自我实现&用人本主义心理学中自我实现理论来分析贝多芬

    On Self - realization of Beethoven & The Analysis of Beethoven 's Composition in Terms of Humanism

  21. 似乎那些理解了自我实现需要的人经常会觉得很快乐。

    It seems that people who perceive the need to respond to self-actualization often find themselves very happy .

  22. 他批判了早期自由主义的自然人和功利人的人性理论,提出自我实现的道德人理论。

    He criticize the theory of economic man of the former liberalism and raised a theory of self-realized moral man .

  23. 根据这种思路,自我实现要求每个人尽可能最大限度地满足自己。

    Self-realization , according to this scheme of things , demands that each person satisfy himself or herself to the greatest extent possible .

  24. 全面发展和自我实现都是人的发展所追求的目标,也是促进人发展的动力,但两种理论建立在不同的哲学观上。

    Integrated development and self-realization are both the goal and the motivity of Man 's development but they are set up on different ideas of philosophy .

  25. 通过对该文本的仔细阅读,提出马克思的问题意识是:批判现实的苦难世界,摆脱人现实政治生活中的自我异化,实现人的全面解放。

    Through carefully reading of this context , Marx 's question consciousness is : criticizing the real bitter world , getting rid of people 's self-alienation in the political life , and actualizing human beings ' overall liberation .

  26. 自我实现理论是马斯洛人本主义心理学的核心思想。

    The Theory of Self-actualization is the core thoughts in Maslow 's Humanistic psychology .

  27. 文明也用于描述,描述个人的生命历程中的自我实现或几代人的修养和等级流动的习惯和传承的愿望。

    Civilisation is also a description of habitual and transmitted aspirations for self-realisation during a life course or over several generations of self-cultivation and hierarchical mobility .

  28. 生态伦理内在于人性之中,是人性的自我展现,是实现人之为人的价值的需要。

    Ecological ethics exists inherently in humanity , and it is the self-manifestation of humanity and the requirement for the realization of the values that qualify humans human .

  29. 人的自我意识和自我实现的过程是人与社会,人与自身及人与人之间从冲突走向和谐的过程。

    The process of self-recognition and self-realization is a process from conflict to harmony between man and society , man and man , and man and others .

  30. 马克思主义人学强调人的价值在于自我价值和社会价值的统一,从而揭示出自我实现在于人的自我价值和社会价值的实现。

    Marxist theory emphasizes human value is the value of self-worth and social-worth , which reveals the realization are self-worth and social value realization .